Heavy Metal

GTK3/4 Themes

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This was an experiment I did to see how many images I could add to one gnome shell, mind you I did not add some as it looked better without an image, but it was fun experimenting with this one.
One bug (not really a bug): in the dash panel, it grows a touch with hove and selecting an icon, I could of banned that wobble but then the back image would of been super small so it was a compromise I made, if you don't like it get rid of the padding.
I will be making a metacity and gtk3 theme to go with this one.
It has been tested on LMDE with a gnome 3 shell, I will be testing it on Fedora 15 also.
Hopefully you will like it.
I will add to the gtk and metacity files in this download once completed and will let you know when it is done in the changelog.
Thank you
Last changelog:

I added the metacity and used half-lefts gtk3 theme with minor changings for now (although it doesn't need hardly any changes because it fit nicely.)
I will wait and see what gnome3 brings with its changes to the shell code and the gtk3 code before updating this anymore.
But as it is now it is complete and ready to use.
Thanks to half-lefts SLAVE GTK3 theme
You can check it out at

Remember this will be getting changed once I see what changes are in store for gnome 3.2 and gtk3

Ratings & Comments



Awesome!!! But please Fix it for gnome 3.2


Glad you like it but I am no longer using gnome but went for xfce so I dont have a system any longer to upgrade this ti gnome 3.2. I put a message on my page in deviantart about this that if anyone wants to upgrade any of my themes feels free to do so and leave me a note with the link so I can put the link for others on my pages so they can get them. Thanks Sam


Another Great work :D my friend ! i like very much this theme! Thanks man :D


Thanks glad you like it


interesting work of art, although I probably did not use but it looks amazing:) gives thumbs up, good work


Glad you like the work :) Thanks This one is a dark theme and it won't be for everyone, plus it has a lot of artwork in it, most like a more theres less busy. It was a fun experiment though to see how much art I could use with the shell

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version 0.2
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