malys - future2 for gnome 3.6

GTK3/4 Themes

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► GTK2 - you must first install latest gtk2-engine-pixbuf
► GTK3 - & latest gtk3-engines-unico

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf
sudo apt-get install gtk3-engines-unico


► Extracted a package zip und tar, folder
► Go to terminal ► sudo nautilus
► folder themes to insert the / usr / share / themes


► sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/malys-themes
► sudo apt-get update
► sudo apt-get install malys-future

Install Fonts enter following commands:

► mkdir ~/.fonts
► wget -O
►unzip -d ~/.fonts

► Go to Gnome Tweak Tool and settings theme

License: GPLv3

Please report bugs and / or suggestions....


Last changelog:

ADD 'new version malys-future2 (for gnome 3.6+)

FIX = NEW menu& item colors GTK 2 -3 & UNITY panel menu (01.07.2012)

FIX = metacity (29.06.2012)

FIX = Linux Mint13 (MATE) panel & buttons

Ratings & Comments



Fixed problems in Ubuntu 12.04 - Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux Mint) remove line 62 from gtk-widgets.css engine: unico;


This lovely theme malys-future2 does not display properly in Ubuntu 14.04 in Unity, Gnome Classic, GNOME Flashback, Cinnamon, Gnome Shell. But for some reason almost normally runs on Cairo dock. I ask you to see that there can be corrected. I found another bug. In FileZilla fade button on one of the panels. If gtk-2.0 / styles / toolbar replace stretch=FALSE to stretch=TRUE then the buttons appear. But then ugly stretched toolbar.png It is these problems arose in me in some of your themes in Ubuntu 12.04.4 and Ubuntu 14.04. What should be displayed as a mosaic appears as stretch. Was no such problem in Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon, everything worked fine. How to fix it? Sorry. Translate Google.


The problem is incorrect displaying this theme in GTK 3 applications. In GTK 2 everything works fine. I looked gtk-widgets.css there are entries such as background-repeat: no-repeat; This theme does not react to changes in parameters repeat no-repeat. What to do?


Can you please add a Cinnamon theme and support to Linux Mint 16!


For whatever reason I can't get the "Bahamas" font working properly. I can see it in the run dialog and top panel, but not in context menus file dialogs and anywhere else. I've looked at the gnome-shell.css file and the font-family is set to Bahamas, but for the most parts, aka everything that is gtk based, I'm getting the default font. Ubuntu 12.10 gnome remix with gnome shell 3.6 Can I get some guidance please :)


gnome tweak tool ?


lol... I don't know how I missed this :). I must be f-ing retarded or something. Anyway... I have a second inquiry. Does Alt+tab indicate the active selection for you guys? Because when I use alt+tab I can't tell which window is selected currently


It should be in a weak frames...


Also in any window when you tab accross the fields and buttons it doesn't really become clear which one is selected. Is there a simple fix for this. I'be happy to do it myself and share the file on github Cheers


Is it possible that the other or newer versions of gnome it displays differently delano's still the old version of gnome ... I guess I'll have to do the update theme


I am using UBUNTU 12.10 x64 GNOME Shell, same as you. I don't know if there is a way to take a screenshot while alt+tab is pressed, but I can take e picture with my phone if you need it.


Now I checked it and it works as it should there is a shade of white, the error is not anywhere ... operates both in Unity and in GnomeSHELL


Here is the solution In your gnome-shell.css on line 1743 there was nothing .switcher-list .item-box:selected { } After I added some background declarations to make the selected thumbnail differentiate from the rest of them in darker gray color it's perfect .switcher-list .item-box:selected { background-gradient-start: rgba(130,130,130,1.0); background-gradient-end: rgba(130,130,130,1.0); background-gradient-direction: vertical; } I still don't have the GTK theme showing the selected option on modal dialog though. Lets say I go to File -> Connect to server, after pressing tab a few time, I have no idea which one is select. Same for everything else. It doesn't mark the active item for some reason


Which is the gnome-shell theme for this theme?


and link to that background too... ps: its such a addicting theme ;)


gnome-shell theme still is not free time :) course of time will


Hi and thanks for a great theme. It's beautiful and I'm using it right now. Love it's new concept. I just have two questions/proposals: 1. I find that the light unity panel is a bit inconsistent. When I have maximised a window everything is suddenly very bright. I personally think a panel in the same dark color as the window top border would be a nicer experience. 2. I use Chrome / Chromium and here I find the grey tab-bar-background a bit grey. What about giving it the same dark color as the window top panel? Just two thoughts I had. Anyway thanks for your beautiful efforts with all your themes!


hi thanks .... I tried dark but accidents in the concept, if you want a dark bar You can modify it in - /usr/share/themes/malys-future/gtk-3.0/apps/unity.css As for the chrome I just do look for him :) it's just a matter of time ...... ...... but now working on another project for the new OS on the base (MATE)


I tried to install this in Linux mint 13 (MATE) but got this error: " This theme will not look at intended because the window manager theme matlys-MTC is not installed" And the theme does look terrible here. What do?


MetacityTheme=malys-MTC you must set it ► GTK2 - you must first install latest gtk2-engine-pixbuf ► GTK3 - & latest gtk3-engines-unico sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf sudo apt-get install gtk3-engines-unico installation of the PPA is not possible now, you have to manually copy ► Extracted a package zip und tar, folder ► Go to terminal ► sudo nautilus ► folder themes to insert the / usr / share / themes


Now install linux mint 13 (mate) and see how it works, then write to you


and installed and tested linux mint 13 (MATE) - it works just need to setting the appearance Manager (metacity) to malys-future :) and the same set up as icons (uniblue uniblack) manually....


malys - future 1.1 light fix for Linux mint 13 (MATE)


I was missing Elegant Brit on Gnome 3.4 and this will do nicely . Thanks !


lol ... But thanks anyway :D

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version 2.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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