Description: It's an Ambiance like Theme for Fluxbox, Icewm, Openbox, Lxde, Xfce, Gnome2/Mate & Gnome3 (Unity, Gnome-Shell, Gnome-Classic & Cinnamon). Gtk-3.16 and Cinnamon 2.8 compatible.
The objective is to have it working very well in all that environnements with a choice of 4 flavours.
NEW: set of grub2 themes. More infos :
INSTALLATION: * open a Terminal in the folder where the file Crunchy-themes.tar.gz is * and copy/paste this command line (Ubuntu like distros): [indent]sudo tar -zxvf Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share[/indent] (or if you are in Debian) su password tar -zxvf Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share
Customization of the window-list extension in Gnome-shell As we can't theme it, we have to change the original files. So we have to make copies of them before making the customization. In a terminal:
su password cd /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ cp classic.css classic_Origin.css cp stylesheet.css stylesheet_Origin.css
Setting the theme in Gnome * Unity: you have to install and use Unity-tweak * Gnome-Shell: Gnome-tweak (Advanced settings) must be used and the user theme plugin activated * Cinnamon: in the control center / themes
Openbox rounded Buttons If the display of the buttons is weird, just set the "active window title" font to the right size. Example : Ubuntu (regular) 11.
Gtk engines dependancy Murrine & Unico are needed by the theme. To be sure they are installed: [indent]sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk3-engines-unico[/indent]Last changelog:
GTK3 theme rewritten but only for Xfce
Here's the theme I use on my Xubuntu but a rapid test under Ubuntu showed me that it's not working well there.
You can download it here:
I had to create a new page to make it work. I'd rather prefer to fix the present page with all the comment and feed back but didn't find a way for now.
In the nautilus sidebar in GNOME 3.18 the text is pused up against the icons.... you need to add the following to the nautilus.css in the themes:
NautilusWindow .sidebar-icon {
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
hey frombenny
I love these themes. So I would like to ask you,
if you could also offer a debian-repository for
these themes please??
I use LMDE 17 2 Betsy and I am missing these themes.
Sorry, I dont have a repo. Noobslab have one : The port is not complete (if you like the squared buttons).
To install directly the theme under Debian, if you downloaded it from here, its different than in Ubuntu :
cd downloads /*if the compressed file is there*/
tar -zxvf 136162-Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share
Thanks. It's meaning a lot to me to have feedback about that work..
These days, I'm working on the menus of the gnome 3.14 and above apps. But I want that the theme still be compatible with ubuntu 14.04 LTS..
It's hard to be always up to date with all the changes made by the Gnome devs.
You're welcome. Quality works like yours deserve positive feedback.
> It's hard to be always up to date with all the
changes made by the Gnome devs.
I agree. But, recently, they haven't changed API radically. Let's hope this state will continue.
There's also this problem, which can be temporarily fixed by creating ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css with the following contents (which must have different color codes for other themes):
GtkEventBox {
color: @fg_color;
background-color: @bg_color;
GtkEventBox:backdrop {
color: @fg_color;
background-color: @bg_color;
I'd like to make the same suggestions to you regarding dark toolbar bgcolor also in (1) GTK2 apps and (2) Synaptic Package Manager, and a matching userChrome.css for Thunderbird as I've made for Ambiance-Blue theme here:
In addition, in Google Chrome I see light blue-grey text color in context menus, bookmarks, etc. which I feel is not quite consistent with the rest of the theme although I cannot see anything about this in "chromium.rc". Can you please tell me how to tweak this?
Thanks a lot again for this great theme.
Thanks for pointing out theses issues. The fix for Chromium in gtk-2 is published. As I work on the gtk-3.14 compatibility fix, the other issues are not fixed yet..
One question.. I have just downloaded and installed your themes. I am using Cinnamon 2.0 in Linux Mint 16 and the tool tips are clear. Are they supposed to be like that. I think they would look better with a darker background. Thank you.
First of all, I must tell you that i really loved your work with crunchy themes. I am using ubuntu from last 1 year and from the day one I am using these themes.
Now for the request part... can you make a theme using colour theme of crunchy and squared ambiance
( ) with colour theme of crunchy n panel ( i think it is called metacity not sure ) of squared ambiance.
I loved its close, minimize and maximize button.. in windowed and with global menu.
I know I am asking for more that I should but please... : will you please ?
Hey... After some reading i did managed to get windows maximize, minimize and close button of that theme, by replacing the metacity-1 folder of the crunchy's with the squared folder.
The things remaining are these button in global menu. can some one tell me where should I replace and which file/files.
you can see the changed button in window view
and here is the maximized view... with global menu button
Sometimes it changes after a reboot (the unity panel has to restart to update the color of the global menu buttons).
You have a unity folder too with links to items in metacity-1 folder. Perhaps that links are broken. I don't know if it's usefull or not for Ubuntu but this folder is in all the original ambiance themes.
Sure I could do a squared buttons metacity theme but I would have liked it to be only a metacity theme not a gtk theme too. In Xfce you can choose a gtk theme with a different window decorator theme.. In Ubuntu/unity it's not that easy to do it.
...but viewing the "breadcrumbs" on Nemo (the file manager) in Cinnamon 1.8 the text does not contrast well against the background. Not sure if this applies to Nautilus or to other Nautilus forks. In Nemo, you can switch between the location text field and the breadcrumbs by pushing the "return arrow" button to the immediate right of the location field. (Nautilus uses CTRL + L ; Both Nautilus and Nemo should default to showing the breadcrumbs.)
For 2 hours, now, I'm looking for a clue how to fix this but didn't find one..
If you've found a dark gtk3 theme which do the job well, please let me know.
Nautilus runs well, so don't know where to look..
Try Zen-nokto in the Zen suite (0.12.0). It appears to render the breadcrumbs correctly.
Ratings & Comments
Can't download
You can download it here: I had to create a new page to make it work. I'd rather prefer to fix the present page with all the comment and feed back but didn't find a way for now.
Thanks for your work, I love looking at my computer now!
Thanks, you're welcome.
In the nautilus sidebar in GNOME 3.18 the text is pused up against the icons.... you need to add the following to the nautilus.css in the themes: NautilusWindow .sidebar-icon { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
Thanks for the notification and the solution. The fix is commited.
ha, I noticed how you've the square and round ones linked by colour... saves time with edits
hey frombenny I love these themes. So I would like to ask you, if you could also offer a debian-repository for these themes please?? I use LMDE 17 2 Betsy and I am missing these themes.
Sorry, I dont have a repo. Noobslab have one : The port is not complete (if you like the squared buttons). To install directly the theme under Debian, if you downloaded it from here, its different than in Ubuntu : su password cd downloads /*if the compressed file is there*/ tar -zxvf 136162-Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share
Excellent work! Your objective (working in all environments) is admirable too.
Thanks. It's meaning a lot to me to have feedback about that work.. These days, I'm working on the menus of the gnome 3.14 and above apps. But I want that the theme still be compatible with ubuntu 14.04 LTS.. It's hard to be always up to date with all the changes made by the Gnome devs.
You're welcome. Quality works like yours deserve positive feedback. > It's hard to be always up to date with all the changes made by the Gnome devs. I agree. But, recently, they haven't changed API radically. Let's hope this state will continue.
There's also this problem, which can be temporarily fixed by creating ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css with the following contents (which must have different color codes for other themes): GtkPaned, GtkEventBox { color: @fg_color; background-color: @bg_color; } GtkPaned:backdrop, GtkEventBox:backdrop { color: @fg_color; background-color: @bg_color; }
I'd like to make the same suggestions to you regarding dark toolbar bgcolor also in (1) GTK2 apps and (2) Synaptic Package Manager, and a matching userChrome.css for Thunderbird as I've made for Ambiance-Blue theme here: In addition, in Google Chrome I see light blue-grey text color in context menus, bookmarks, etc. which I feel is not quite consistent with the rest of the theme although I cannot see anything about this in "chromium.rc". Can you please tell me how to tweak this? Thanks a lot again for this great theme.
Thanks for pointing out theses issues. The fix for Chromium in gtk-2 is published. As I work on the gtk-3.14 compatibility fix, the other issues are not fixed yet..
One question.. I have just downloaded and installed your themes. I am using Cinnamon 2.0 in Linux Mint 16 and the tool tips are clear. Are they supposed to be like that. I think they would look better with a darker background. Thank you.
It's now fixed. Thanks for the notice..
Hello... First of all, I must tell you that i really loved your work with crunchy themes. I am using ubuntu from last 1 year and from the day one I am using these themes. Now for the request part... can you make a theme using colour theme of crunchy and squared ambiance ( ) with colour theme of crunchy n panel ( i think it is called metacity not sure ) of squared ambiance. I loved its close, minimize and maximize button.. in windowed and with global menu. I know I am asking for more that I should but please... : will you please ?
Hey... After some reading i did managed to get windows maximize, minimize and close button of that theme, by replacing the metacity-1 folder of the crunchy's with the squared folder. The things remaining are these button in global menu. can some one tell me where should I replace and which file/files. you can see the changed button in window view and here is the maximized view... with global menu button
Sometimes it changes after a reboot (the unity panel has to restart to update the color of the global menu buttons). You have a unity folder too with links to items in metacity-1 folder. Perhaps that links are broken. I don't know if it's usefull or not for Ubuntu but this folder is in all the original ambiance themes. Sure I could do a squared buttons metacity theme but I would have liked it to be only a metacity theme not a gtk theme too. In Xfce you can choose a gtk theme with a different window decorator theme.. In Ubuntu/unity it's not that easy to do it.
...but viewing the "breadcrumbs" on Nemo (the file manager) in Cinnamon 1.8 the text does not contrast well against the background. Not sure if this applies to Nautilus or to other Nautilus forks. In Nemo, you can switch between the location text field and the breadcrumbs by pushing the "return arrow" button to the immediate right of the location field. (Nautilus uses CTRL + L ; Both Nautilus and Nemo should default to showing the breadcrumbs.)
For 2 hours, now, I'm looking for a clue how to fix this but didn't find one.. If you've found a dark gtk3 theme which do the job well, please let me know. Nautilus runs well, so don't know where to look.. Try Zen-nokto in the Zen suite (0.12.0). It appears to render the breadcrumbs correctly.
Fixed. Hope it will fit to your needs...
Blue comes out as dark silver on light silver, but all the others look great! Much better!