Theme Includes:
Gtk2 & Gtk3 ThemesMetacity 1, 2, & 3 Themes (Mutter)Gnome-Shell & MGSE ThemeCinnamon Theme for 1.2 or newerGDM ThemeUnity Theme (Ubuntu)Xfwm4 ThemeEmerald ThemesOpenbox Theme

Please peruse all information on my Deviantart page pertaining to this theme before installing it. This theme develops quickly with new versions every couple of days.[/indent]
GTK3 gtk-engine-unico-1.0.1 or newer StableGTK2 gtk-engine-murrine or newerGTK2 pixbuf-engine or the gtk(2)-engines packageImagemagickGTK3 gtk3-3.2.0 or newer installed
Ratings & Comments
Simple buttons for close, maximize, hide could been better that those buttons you have there. Nice theme otherwise.
I relly love the red color that surrounds the notebook/tab buttons on hover! well done Sir. I started using other images as the base.png and found it works well. have you had any luck getting the tool bar to match the menu bar? i have tried and there is always some visible problem
I totally dig this theme -- in and of itself, and especially because I happen to be wicked light-sensitive. Thanks for doing it! It will be nice not to have to wear sunglasses indoors. ;) A couple of nits:Menu bar menu items were almost invisible to me. Fixed (to my liking) by using color: @fg_color rather than background color. Dunno if that will have a side effect somewhere or not. So far so good.
The title bar is blue. Didn't have time to look into why and "fixed" it by using Blapple as strictly my window theme and your theme for everything else.
My environment, unfortunately, is unstable GNOME 3.3.x (a combination of F18/rawhide and stuff built from master, including Gtk+ 3) so this all could just be my box. /me shrugs
Anyhoo... Thank you again VERY much!
Has potential.
Thanks I am working on it. Its complicated using the image files for the windows especially with gtk2. Its still a work in progress. Cheers
i like it:D thanks for sharing :D
But Nautilus is displayed extremely badly
But after restarting completely my desktop, it displayed normally :)
Thanks for poining that out. I should suggest logging out and back in after selecting this theme.
Can you help me to fixe the polices colors ? :) It looks like barely readable. Also we need to copy your theme in /usr/share/themes otherwise rooted applications won't take your theme.
I looked at your screenshot. Are you asking to change the desktop icons text color?
If thats what you are refering to (ie computer icon on desktop) than you need to open the DeLorean_Noir folder DeLorean_Noir/gtk-3.0/apps and open nautilus.css in Gedit. lines 1-31 are about desktop icons. line 7 reads:Quote: color: @base_color; (this is the unselected text color of the icons) change Quote:@base_color to Quote:#ffffff if you want it white or just add whatever Hex color you would like.
line 13Quote: background-color: alpha (@base_color, 0.84); (this is the background color of the selected icon) change Quote:@base_color to whatever hex color you like, for example:Quote: #000000 for black.
line 16Quote: color: @fg_color; (is the text color of the selected icon) again change Quote:@fg_color to whatever hex color you like.
That should fix the problem for you. I hope that was helpfull.
If thats what you are refering to (ie computer icon on desktop) than you need to open the DeLorean_Noir folder DeLorean_Noir/gtk-3.0/apps and open nautilus.css in Gedit. lines 1-31 are about desktop icons. line 7 reads:Quote: color: @base_color; (this is the unselected text color of the icons) change Quote:@base_color to Quote:#ffffff if you want it white or just add whatever Hex color you would like.
line 13Quote: background-color: alpha (@base_color, 0.84); (this is the background color of the selected icon) change Quote:@base_color to whatever hex color you like, for example:Quote: #000000 for black.
line 16Quote: color: @fg_color; (is the text color of the selected icon) again change Quote:@fg_color to whatever hex color you like.
That should fix the problem for you. I hope that was helpfull.
If thats what you are refering to (ie computer icon on desktop) than you need to open the DeLorean_Noir folder DeLorean_Noir/gtk-3.0/apps and open nautilus.css in Gedit. lines 1-31 are about desktop icons. line 7 reads:Quote: color: @base_color; (this is the unselected text color of the icons) change Quote:@base_color to Quote:#ffffff if you want it white or just add whatever Hex color you would like.
line 13Quote: background-color: alpha (@base_color, 0.84); (this is the background color of the selected icon) change Quote:@base_color to whatever hex color you like, for example:Quote: #000000 for black.
line 16Quote: color: @fg_color; (is the text color of the selected icon) again change Quote:@fg_color to whatever hex color you like.
That should fix the problem for you. I hope that was helpfull.
Im happy there is finally a gtk3 theme that allows a custom image background for the unity-panel! Thanks!
Im glad you like the carbon panel.
>Theme Includes: ... Cool.
Thanx. Glad you like it