Description: Animus-3.12:[indent] Is entirely colored with shades of Jade, no black nor white has been used. Special features include rounded Menu-Buttons, and round Toolbar-Buttons. For example, those used by Audacious. A good color monitor is recommended to make the theme pop. Ubunut's needs have yet to be addressed, they will be by the time Ubuntu reaches a Beta using Gtk-3.12. It is not recommended to use this theme in gtk-3.10, the changes are far to great between versions. You have been warned.[/indent]
Animus-3.10:[indent] Two versions included; Animus, a black notebook and Animus-b, a gray notebook. Animus is a gray scale theme, no colors are used except for items such as; links and warnings. However, Animus may be personalized by tinting it with color. Animus is designed to be easy on the eyes, and to keep focus on what matters. The design of Animus is minimalist and flat.[/indent]Last changelog:
Fixed url bar in Opera Browser. This is last fix/update for 3.12
Ratings & Comments
very good work.
Thanks A Lot! Cheers!
I like the main idea behind this theme. Nice work!
Thank you very much. It means a lot coming from the man behind the 'gnomish-'themes. Yours got me hooked on dark themes, btw. Cheers! - Josh