malys - uniSEX
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:if you like my work, I'll be glad you will support me, thank you...
► GTK2 - you must first install latest gtk2-engine-pixbuf
► GTK3 - & latest gtk3-engines-unico
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf
sudo apt-get install gtk3-engines-unico
► Extracted a package zip und tar, folder
► Go to terminal ► sudo nautilus
► folder themes to insert the / usr / share / themes
► Go to Gnome Tweak Tool and settings theme
► sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
► sudo apt-get update
► sudo apt-get install malys-unisex-clear
► sudo apt-get install malys-unisex-gray
► sudo apt-get install malys-unisex-white
License: GPLv3
Please report bugs and / or suggestions....
FIX = colors text & backround
NEW = UNITY - close, min, max buttons
FIXED = UNITY - panel (no transparent ) & menuitem & GTKcalendar
FIXED = GTK3 colors text buttons (in software center) & GTK2 base-color & text colors in ( browser )
FIXED = GTK2 color "entry"
Ratings & Comments
Please allow download for others. PPA works only for Ubuntu users.
I love this theme pack, especially Unisex Grey! I had actually thought about asking you to make a fix for the Software Center authentication dialog, but you beat me to it. THANK YOU!
so be it fixed - I thank you: D
I love your themes! Great job!
thank you many times :)
Perhaps is possible a QtCurve port to integrate KDE/Qt Apps?
I do not use KDE, but if you want Can you try porting :)
Why when I make a window full screen the close minizize and maximize buttons look like this but when the window is small they appear good. BTW Great theme :) This is a screenshot about how they look when full screen. http://i50.tinypic.com/11kipar.jpg
They do it the UNITY .. unique component to add missing unity
Thanks for the reply, I found the problem it was when I log in Ubuntu 2D but when I log in Ubuntu 3d they appear good :) Thanks for the awesome themes! :)
nice theme but i noticed a bug with Rythmbox when you goto Podcasts the text disappears on the podcast names (the highlight isnt there, but its there everywhere else on the program). thanks, keep up the good work.
Check it out, thanks
Jako vždy super práce. Dlouho jsem rady nebyl a tak nemám přehled co jsi vyprodukoval ;)
dik ... no nazim se kdyz je cas tak to jde :) ale moc toho volneho casu nezbejva :)
Congratulations! Using the gray version, it seems gtk-3 scrollbars are invisible... or is it me?
Thank you... sliders are blue, for me it works properly
I can confirm that this effect occurs in the terminal application shipped with Cinnamon 1.4 (Mint 13). Scrollbars are draggable, but invisible. The track for the scrollbar to run in is visible however.
downloaded and installed it. Many thanks for your good work. One question -- do you have a recommended icon set and/or gnome shell?
THANK :) Just look at my job sure to pick SOMETHING :) I recommend STRONGLY MY ICONS "UniBlue"
Fantastic visual impact. Absolutely insane. Magic.
thanks man :)
Your themes are truly one of a kind, keep up the excellent work!
thanks for the compliment, I try to be different and it seems that I was doing :)