Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:-GTK3 (three versions)
-GTK2 (three versions)
-Gnome-shell (two versions)
-Metacity (two versions-right and left side buttons)
To install themes,unpack archive to /usr/share/themes or ~/.themes folder.Unity users have to use Ubuntu-tweak to set OMG_Left_Buttons theme for Window theme.
Gtk3 themes requirement:
gnome-themes-standard package
Gtk2 themes requirement:
- GTK2 engine Murrine
- GTK2 pixbuf engine
20.03.2012 - some improvements of gtk3 theme(progressbar on entry) and several bugs fixed on gtk3 and metacity themes
01.01.2013. - GTK3 theme updated to gnome 3.6
22.01.2013. - bugfix release
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great
Great theme, finally a full dark theme! Good job guy and thanks for sharing it.
grettings, iq there a way to change the font of the task bar and menu and use this google play font?
What DE/WM you are using? Unity? Gnome-Shell? Or something else?
i am using GNU/Linux Mint 14 with cinnamon 1.6
You have to edit cinnamon.css file of your theme.
Gtk theme doesn't control cinnamon panel and menu.
Hi, can you tell witch font do you use in this theme? Also, id like to give you some money for your work via paypal. how cn i do that? Thank you
The font is Google Play,and thanks but I have no need for money,I have it enough. I do this just like hobby.
I think AMbiance orange in place of that blue would be much more fitting.
Nope,I tried it.This shade of orange color is not pleasant for the eye.
+1 Dont like the orange ! THIS is what I have been (gnome)looking for ! Thanks for sharing and careing ! Great job !! Kudos my friend !
huh. i must respectfully disagree. i fin the ambiance orange color very nice on my eyes. ;) o well
id like to have straight corner with you theme, can you explain how to do it, if it dont take you to mutch time. Thanks mate.
greetings, id like to have straight corner, can you tell how to do it in twoo words ( i dont want to wast your time) i tried on my own but it dont works: i changed the rounded image in the forlder metacity-1, and changed the value of the some "rounded" properties in the xml file, i have straight corner but not totaly, i still see the rounded corner with a lighter color straight corner behind. thanks i am also planing to change the button, ill give you my work when it s done.
thanks for supporting openbox, this is an excellent theme for lxde users
"(gnome-screensaver:6677): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:2 220:19: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'." & unity.css
see my comment here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OMG_Suite?content=149294#c433772 ... for a simple way to correct this problem.
Some themes leave the Xfce panel clock without enough contrast, and this is one of them. Can you give me a lead with fixing this?
The bottom-*.xpm's are awful! I have to remove them every time.
The GNOME Panel is bigger, and I think I want to revert it.
Hi nale12! Are you planning on upgrading your theme for 3.4? It's entering debian testing and I'd like to keep OMG as my desktop theme. Thanks!
Yes I am planning,but currently I don't have free time. Sorry,I don't know when I'll do that,some private stuff are preoccupy me right now.
Thanks nale12, no problem with waiting for it. I appreciate your work and time invested on it. Just wanted to know if I should keep my hope on a new version! :-D Tnaks again
i am running Archlinux, which is GTK 3.4, without issues. whenever you run an app from the CLI it whines about unit-less CSS quantities being deprecated ... a couple hundred times. since i got annoyed by it, i banged out this gnarly-looking "one-liner": Quote:for f in gtk-widgets.css unity.css; do mutter-message |& grep -oE "$f"':[0-9]+:[0-9]+' | { echo 'BEGIN {OFS=""}'; sed -r "s,$f"':([0-9]+):([0-9]+),NR==\1{$\2=$\2"px"},'; echo '{print}'; } | awk -f - -F '' "$f" > "$f".new; done
... simply `cd` to the gtk-3.0 dir of each variant, run the above, then `mv` the *.new files ... you might want to back up the originals and diff the new ones prior to overwriting, just to be sure ;-) the command is idempotent; multiple runs have no effect.
the command dynamically converts all the errors into an AWK script which then corrects them all, in one pass. the author could use it to auto-fix the theme's CSS files, if they wish.
the only other problem i have is a color issue: links in empathy (among others) are very difficult to see.