I love this theme and don't want to give it up, but checkboxes are invisible for me in gtk3 apps and firefox... I have gnome-themes-standard.
here's a screenshot of the "Notify me.." option on the add comment page: i.imgur.com/GrFeflE.png
Any ideas?
There are some differences between GTK2 and GTK3:
- Disabled button's background in the menu bar ist white instead of gray/transparent in GTK3, works fine in GTK2.
- in GTK2, dropdown menus have a strange white padding on the top and bottom, GTK3 doesn't have them.
- in GTK2, the selected text in dropdown menus is black instead of white as in GTK3
I made some image to illustrate what I mean: http://s29.postimg.org/noijcpuc7/adwaitabugs.jpg
Otherwise: really good work!
I couldn't help loving your Adwaita dark theme so much,but just one thing:the base text background color displayed with #333333,I wanna it to be #393F3F.How can I achieve that?
I would like to use your great and nice theme for some computers running Debian Wheezy, which provides GTK 3.4. Unfortunately current release doesn't work well on it.
So where is it possible to download previous releases which can work with GTK 3.4 please?
Thank you!
As I know, Chrome/Chromium scrollbar selected status color can't be changed at this moment.
Ratings & Comments
I love this theme and don't want to give it up, but checkboxes are invisible for me in gtk3 apps and firefox... I have gnome-themes-standard. here's a screenshot of the "Notify me.." option on the add comment page: i.imgur.com/GrFeflE.png Any ideas?
There are some differences between GTK2 and GTK3: - Disabled button's background in the menu bar ist white instead of gray/transparent in GTK3, works fine in GTK2. - in GTK2, dropdown menus have a strange white padding on the top and bottom, GTK3 doesn't have them. - in GTK2, the selected text in dropdown menus is black instead of white as in GTK3 I made some image to illustrate what I mean: http://s29.postimg.org/noijcpuc7/adwaitabugs.jpg Otherwise: really good work!
please update this, it's the only adwaita dark theme that's really good
What is your icon theme ?
I couldn't help loving your Adwaita dark theme so much,but just one thing:the base text background color displayed with #333333,I wanna it to be #393F3F.How can I achieve that?
Add @define-color theme_bg_color #393F3F; after @import url("resource:///org/gnome/adwaita/gtk-main.css"); in ~/.themes/Adwaita-X-dark/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
Or for text: @define-color theme_text_color #393F3F; Colors settings something inside gtk.gresource It should to override them.
It does work!Thanks a lot!
I would like to use your great and nice theme for some computers running Debian Wheezy, which provides GTK 3.4. Unfortunately current release doesn't work well on it. So where is it possible to download previous releases which can work with GTK 3.4 please? Thank you!
just replace resource file to yours adwaita's original files
In gnome 3.8 light version work beautiful but not the dark version, metacity theme does not install
I have seen the bug that you described for the 3.6 version, in 3.8 is the same.
Do you mean about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1071015
there seems to be a bug with Google Chrome's scrollbar. Everything except its "selected" status has a tint of blue.
As I know, Chrome/Chromium scrollbar selected status color can't be changed at this moment. https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxGtkThemeIntegration
idk, I'm just saying this because yours is the only gtk3 theme that does this
This is what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/dq82dsm.png
Theme updated. Please check this out
It's still there unfortunately (unless, the file didn't update yet).
Have no idea. It forks fine on my Ubuntu 13.04 with Chromium 25
I'm on Ubuntu 13.04 (with gnome shell 3.6) and Chrome 27
Great theme on Debian "Unstable" GNU/Linux Xfce desktop! Keep Up the Good Work :)
please, someone share the wallpaper from the second screenshot. btw awesome theme!