Unfortunately, after years of Gnome3, even minor updates of GTK+ or Gnome-Shell break themes and waste hours of work.
GnomishDark is a clean dark theme for GTK3. It also contains a matching GTK2 theme, that depends on the latest Murrine and Pixmap engines.
*** Current Dependencies ***
GTK3 = 3.12.X (may not work with versions < 3.

gtk2-engines-murrine >= (for GTK2)
gtk2-engines-pixbuf >= 2.24.10 (for GTK2)
Metacity >= 2.34 (for GTK2)
*** Notes ***
1) Ubuntu users could disable "overlay-scrollbar" if they want to have the original scrollbars of the theme. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/ubuntu-help/unity-scrollbars-intro.html
2) Don't forget to take a look at the file "README" in the theme folder. It contains useful tips for LibreOffice, Firefox, Epiphany, etc.
3) You won't need the source package unless you want to modify the theme or make a deb or an rpm package from it.
4) Light monochromic icons go well with this theme. I've made the gray version of nouveGnome for it: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/nouveGnome?content=125474
Ratings & Comments
Is there anyone that could bring this Perfect GTK theme to live again??? I have seen a Fork from this theme but it's not the same deal, I can't stand flat themes. I had good times with this theme and never got tired of it and for me the best theme I ever used it was flawless!!! than you Tsujan for the good times I do appreciated very much so!
Hi. Good work. I try to use opera 12.06, but occur the same problem in text area like firefox. Please, post the metod to fix the text area in this browser! Thanks.
Opera is written in Qt, not Gtk. As it isn't open-source, I have no knowledge about it but if it is stylable, you could search for a suitable theme for it in the Opera site.
It's elegant.And the workaround with firefox worked. One of my favourite themes. Good job.
Thank you! I don't know why the Firefox developers haven't fixed that issue yet. It has been there for such a long time!
Hello there guys, I got something that I'm trying to find out how to fix it, with not much luck. Here is a link to a screenshot what I m about. http://postimg.org/image/xvsanswub/ The theme works fine except the window title as you see on the image it is blue, but it should not be look like that. Anyone have an idea what went wrong. I'm using debian wheezy gnome3 with compiz. I have a portable ssd drive with ubuntu 12.04 installed on it with comiz as well love it :) and theme works fine on ubuntu unity. When I start my system without compiz the is great no issue, as soon I enable compiz the title goes blue. Thanks in advanced
That window decoration is managed by Compiz. The theme dosn't have any control over it. I've added just a Unity theme to GnomishDark, which could be used with Ubuntu Trusty if the theme is put in /usr/share/themes.
I thought so it is control by compiz, I have looked the compiz settings but can not find the solution for it. I just mentioned the ubuntu to compare that does work as it expected, and have no problem at all with 12.04 unity I only have this issue with wheezy, but as I said it is ok without compiz. at least :) Only when I enable compiz I have this problem. Anyway I keep looking for solution on the net and also I ll check this thread maybe later someone come up with idea :) or if find the fix i wil share it. thank you
Using Compiz under Debian is problematic. Ubuntu has its own Unity patches, which can't be ported to Debian without causing problems. If you like both Debian and Compiz effects (as I do), you could use KDE.
The thing is before I used sqeeze with compiz with no problem at all. A couple of weeks ago my box harddrive gone and had no back up :) My box up and runing with dualboot. (wheezy win7) I installed wheezy because it has now a long term support. I also tried kde and lxde and more other, but I got use to gnome so if I can not solve it than I use gnomish dark with this little issue, it is really not a big deal, just wanted to make my box perfect look with your theme. :) Actually still looking on google but most of the hits are missing titlebar etc maybe wrong keyword :)
I m not sure but I think maybe something to do with the GTKWindosDecorator regarding to the article which I found on compiz wiki. http://wiki.compiz.org/Decorators/GTKWindowDecorator
One issue with this theme: On Ubuntu 13.10 facebook comment box is blurry and i can't see my comments while typing them but this theme works great on Linux Mint 16. I have added a Cinnamon theme for it here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/blackelegance?content=164375
Take a look at the file README inside the themes folder!
Hey tsujan, It's me again - Thank you again for your great theme! There's just a little problem: Since a while it behaves a bit strange on my ArchLinux (think maybe since gnome 3.10?). I hadn't wrote a comment because it was a quite old and 'used' system. But on my fresh installed Arch it's still the same. Just have a look: http://www.bilderhoster.net/jaylxlhv.png.html The dropdown-menus are a bit... strange^^ Do you have any ideas? Thanks a lot for all your work! Tulpenzwiebel
Thanks for the info! Such problems are expectable: you have gnome-2.10 while the theme is still for v3.8. That's what I talked about in the NOTE section of this page: THEY BREAK THEMES! I don't use Gnome anymore, but I'll update the theme to the GTK/Gnome versions in Debian Testing or the latest stable Ubuntu, both of which still have gtk-3.8. I'm really sorry but the culprit is the Gnome dev's style of "development".
I feared something like that - I still hope that the Gnome developer will find a more stable way to develop... in my opinion it's still the best desktop environement ;-) Any sugestions what I can try (on own risk ;-) )? To be something like a 'beta-tester'? ;-)
If you want a dark shell theme for 3.10 you can check this one out, though I'm not sure if, or how much longer, I'll continue sharing my themes. http://fav.me/d6yage9
I can't have v3.10 yet. However, you could compare /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css from v3.10 with that of v3.8, see how the API is changed and then, make similar changes to gnome-shell.css in GnomishDark.
Hi all, first of all thanks very much for the great theme tsujan! I have still got issues with firefox/google/yoututbe etc text area. I have read the README.txt done everything what it says, but the issue still remain, and even my xxxx.default and the chrome directory gone after restart firefox. Anyone have experienced this? I run ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
All people, who had problem with the instructions, couldn't find the correct folder. Make your file manager show hidden files. Then you'll see the folder '.mozilla' in your Home. Inside it you'll find the folder 'firefox'. Now inside the latter, there should be a folder, whose name is specific to you. For example, mine is 'ryr22gsk.default'. Find the folder 'chrome' inside it (create it if it doesn't exist) and create the file 'userContent.css' in it as explained in README. At last, restart FireFox. BTW, your xxxx.default and the chrome directories couldn't disappear by using the above instructions.
Hi, I did exactly the same as you have just said, and what is in the read me :) anyway here is the screenshot http://tinypic.com/r/103zecy/5
Ohhh sorry missunderstanding, but the problem still exists :) another screenshot :) http://tinypic.com/r/314qhwi/5
The folder is correct. I have only two guesses: (1) Your Firefox may not be restarted. Quit Firefox and search for its name in System Monitor. If you still see its process, there should be something wrong with it. If not, start it again. (2) Just a simple mistake in copy/pasting the contents of userContent.css.
First I loged out, there was no change, than restarted firefox also checked the process nothing has happened and after the box has been rebooted as well twice :) I double check the copy and paste thingy. One more quick question, do I need to copy the "userContent.css" to the firefox folder as well?
First I loged out, there was no change, than restarted firefox also checked the process nothing has happened and after the box has been rebooted as well twice :) I double check the copy and paste thingy. One more quick question, do I need to copy the "userContent.css" to the firefox folder as well?