Also I have changed Metacity theme ( http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Rezlooks?content=39316 ) for better compatability

Sorry for my english - Im russian

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
v 0.5 - Initial Release
Ratings & Comments
Клевая тема!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) im awesome this theme! cool roolessss! )
Смотрю обновил тему =) Молодца =)
Great to see a new theme using the Rezlooks engine. Thank you! Oops, your download link is not working.
use mirror, Im still trying to restore my webserver :)
Thank you! And don't worry with those who vote bad without leaving any comment.
Believe me, I don't care :)
Отличная тема так держать =)
Спасибо :) Бум стараться :)