install gnomenu from /gnoemnu/gnomenu-2.9.tar.gz add gnomenu to panel apply gnomenu theme
install gtk themes (/Gtk/LUNE-EVO.tar.gz, /Gtk/xp-cursor.tar.gz, and /Icons/GnomeXP.tar.gz)
Set wallpaper to /Kingsize_XP_Bliss_by_PacMani.jpg
Right Click on panel, click properties. Set height to 33px. Go to background tab (in panel properties window), Select Background Image, navigate to /Panel Bg/taskbar.png
to my pre linux days. Nice replica. Too bad I always thought the default XP themes were hideous. I can see where it has it's uses though. Keep up the good work.
it's realy nice!
Thanks! My father don't want to use linux because it is too diferent from the usual XP.
With this, will be so much easier to convence him to try linux.
Every Theme has a place here ! There is no shame in this theme, Shame on you for not having an open mind! so what it copy's XP! Linux is still behind it! Its not like he's giving away free XP Installs, or trying to convert Linux users to Makeusoft!I have used this theme to help XP users make leap to Ubuntu,and it is a deal maker not a deal breaker! but you are entitled to your opinion ! So carry on! but try and open your mind!
Ratings & Comments
Although I will say I can see where it could be a funny practical joke to pull on somebody. :D
still terrible, still hideous.
to my pre linux days. Nice replica. Too bad I always thought the default XP themes were hideous. I can see where it has it's uses though. Keep up the good work.
it's realy nice! Thanks! My father don't want to use linux because it is too diferent from the usual XP. With this, will be so much easier to convence him to try linux. :D
nothing else to say...
Every Theme has a place here ! There is no shame in this theme, Shame on you for not having an open mind! so what it copy's XP! Linux is still behind it! Its not like he's giving away free XP Installs, or trying to convert Linux users to Makeusoft!I have used this theme to help XP users make leap to Ubuntu,and it is a deal maker not a deal breaker! but you are entitled to your opinion ! So carry on! but try and open your mind!
Can I get it with all the viri as well? lol JK
Oh wow! This really does resemble an XP machine. I can throw this theme on a system and no one would know the difference. LOL. Nice!
just remove anything from your panel that becomes a gray block (if anything). haven't fixed that yet