Description: I didnt find any theme that fitted my taste, so i modified some of the available themes and made a pack of it.. Hope someone likes the classic platinum look as much as i do.
To get the global menu you must install the gnome panel applet for that particular function.
Main package includes GTK+Metacity+Cursors+Font+Wallpaper But i have also added an GDM theme as stand alone download. (available as the second link. ALSO: This pack is as far as i know this is only for manual install... Might wotk, but i havent tested the automated sollutions.
Better quality screenshot is available at
I don know why the link does not show up in the bar but here it is atleast:
still one of my all time favourite themes. Do you ever consider porting it to GTK3, or do you know where I can at least get a MacOS classic theme for GTK3 from?
I abandoned gnome when they moved to GTK3 as it is just awful. Porting is almost impossible since gtk3 only allows stylesheet themes without depth, you would be better of trying to write one from scratch.
But my guess is that there will never be a MacOS Classic theme with reasonable similarity to the original Apple style for GTK3. Perhaps in gtk4 if the gnome devs reverse on their theming decisions. (But i find that even more unlikely)
I'm really surprised I got a response to this, so thanks heaps for that! Personally, I use i3 for my workhorse. GNOME3 is the home PC. I just love the look of the old MacOS System.
thankyou! this theme is awesome, i am using it now, i have ubuntu on a macbook pro so its very strangely kind of fitting lol. i will go check that out!
Im very glad you like it.. the usplash theme is going up today or this week.. as far as ive gotten (as KMS does not support nvidia) it works fine in hardy but not in karmic. but ill upload it when im sure i wont fudge up someones system.
Thank you. MacOS 9 was a pearl in usabillity, but the icons was god awful.. =). Allthough there are a few icons here on gnome look in svg inspired from rhapsody that i could use to make a icon theme in the future.
Ratings & Comments
still one of my all time favourite themes. Do you ever consider porting it to GTK3, or do you know where I can at least get a MacOS classic theme for GTK3 from?
I abandoned gnome when they moved to GTK3 as it is just awful. Porting is almost impossible since gtk3 only allows stylesheet themes without depth, you would be better of trying to write one from scratch. But my guess is that there will never be a MacOS Classic theme with reasonable similarity to the original Apple style for GTK3. Perhaps in gtk4 if the gnome devs reverse on their theming decisions. (But i find that even more unlikely)
I'm really surprised I got a response to this, so thanks heaps for that! Personally, I use i3 for my workhorse. GNOME3 is the home PC. I just love the look of the old MacOS System.
sites are down. can you pleas re-host them?
i am so in fond with this theme, but if i make a small request--- an os7 B&W variation would tickle my GNOME!
Ill keep the suggestion in mind.. But for now im working on an usplash and some other stuff.. I added an GDM theme too yesterday to this suite.
thankyou! this theme is awesome, i am using it now, i have ubuntu on a macbook pro so its very strangely kind of fitting lol. i will go check that out!
Im very glad you like it.. the usplash theme is going up today or this week.. as far as ive gotten (as KMS does not support nvidia) it works fine in hardy but not in karmic. but ill upload it when im sure i wont fudge up someones system.
Nice one :D will try it.
Hope you like it as much as i do.. i put some work into this, a Usplash theme is coming soon when karmic can do kms for nvidia.
FYI, JPEG is a lousy format for screenshots. Nice effort on the OS9 front though.
As there are space limitations for screenshots on this site limited to 700kb, i have also put a link to a better screenie in png.
I forgot yhe link, im so sorry... i though it had it posted... ill fix it right away.
This is both awesome and disturbing at the same time. Pretty cool, though!
Thank you. MacOS 9 was a pearl in usabillity, but the icons was god awful.. =). Allthough there are a few icons here on gnome look in svg inspired from rhapsody that i could use to make a icon theme in the future.
There is no download link, btw.
It would be fantastic if you would add a download link.
Would be great for a download link, what you think about?
For whatever reason, he isn't listening.