Same recomendation - use the "Panel_Win2-7.png" as your panel image background located in /gtk-2.0/Panel

Download Win2-7 Pack and install or update to newest version today!!!!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Restructured styles on gtkrc
- Several bug fixes
- Improves on metacity theme
-Changed: Toolbar
-Changed: Metacity theme
-Fixed: Bug with scrollbars on openoffice
-Fixed: Bug with panel on terminal
- Fixed: Bug on terminal
WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:
borders don't fit within the image
- Fixed: Bug with text entry on Firefox
- Improved: text entry pixmap
- Replaced: Buttons of gtk-toolbar
- Fixed: GTK-Theme selection bug
- Even more corrections and improves
- Tons of corrections and improves
- Restructuration of gtkrc for better comprehension and edition
- Fixed focus on panel elements
- Improved statusbar
- Improved tabs
- Changed toolbarbutton prelight
- New Panel colors
- Added focus on buttons, combobox, toolbar
- Added transparencies on scroll-thumb horizontal and vertical
- Improved spin arrows
- Eliminated borders on:
shadows and text entry
- Improved shadows and textboxes
- Improved framegaps
- Fixes on Toolbar width (changes visible on software like tucan or emesene)
- Added New Range Lines (WMP12 style)
- Removed vertical line
- Minor Fixes
- Fixed Menu
- Optimized horizontal and vertical lines
- Added frame gap
- Deleted unused files
- Added Se7en Basic Panel for other resolution screens (800x600 and 1024x76
- Fixed bug on tabs (line in the middle)
- New Listheaders (like 7 theme)
- Fixed Lines of Menu (like original menu)
- New Arrows (more like 7 theme)
- Corrected Window back color
Beta 2
- New toolbar buttons
- New Tabs
- Fixed Background buttons for gnome-panel
- Added backgrounds for Se7en Basic Panels (3 differents backgrounds)
- First release
Ratings & Comments
I appreciate on your win2-7 theme, mate. It is really amazing. I make it as my default theme now. I just wonder if you also could make tranparent nautilus background. The idea is look like this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nautilus+Transparent+Back?content=56631. This may make jeleous our windoz users' guys. Thanks mate.
Could you add options to change color schemes. I'd like to be able to change color of text in windows. For example now, in gnome applet window list there is only white possible.
hi jesus, I am still working on the Windows-Vista original Icons as well aso nthe Windows7-original icons. I will tell you and the people, when I will launch up. Greetings Karmicbastler
Hey friend how are you long time on chat haha Im still looking forward to see and try your new stuff =D keep up your good effort
I'm using this theme in *windows*, because the default gtk windows theme on Win7 doesn't look quite right in some respects in my gtk apps (like Pidgin on Win7). This fixes pretty much all of the things that bugged me, and looks/works orders of magnitude better than my own hack I made from dissatisfaction with other win7 theme clones. My only tweak to do is make the font larger if possible, as it is smaller than everything else. Thanks a lot. PS: For those with the same problems, just copy the theme folder to C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\share\themes and select it with the gtk theme selector program that comes with gtk2. If you're on 64 bit, it would be in "Program Files(x86)" for 32 bit programs like pidgin.
Small addendum to the above for those who use gtk2 stuff in windows.. I couldn't get your icons from your win2-7 pack working or another win7 icon set i found working under windows to make gtk's icons match.. however, this one did work for some reason: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/W7.icon.theme.1.02?content=109359 It's not anywhere near perfect (some of the buttons suck or don't exist actually), but it's good enough until one of these others works, which I'm looking into right now by comparing them. Also, it seems the pidgin chat window background on your theme is a light blue when it should be a light gray. If/when I fix the above, I will try to remember to post the tweaks back :p The icons go in C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\share\icons [or Program Files (x86)]. Add a gtk-icon-theme-name = "whatever" to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\GTK\2.0\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc to do it globally, or your specific theme's gtkrc to do it for that theme only (recommended..).
Well I haven't tested my gtk-theme on Windows nice to know this worked for you and yes my theme is blue because I don't like neither the tabs nor the white color of win7, my background and tabs are like WMP12 =P still being win style ;)
Simply fantastic.
Hey thank you very much! =D
The theme is great! And could you tell how to set the transparency of the background picture(Panel_Win2-7.png) of the gnome panel? Thank you! Yours sincerely, Michael mengcl@126.com
sure! to do that go to your gnome-panel and right clic-->properties-->background tab-->background image there you go to /home/user/.themes/Win2-7(Pixmap)/gtk-2.0/Panel/PanelWin2-7.png press enter and that's it =D
Thanks very much! I think I didn't say the question exactly. I mean that how the set the transparency such as 30%, 70% and so on of the background picture of the panel. Not how to set the picture.
hehe I didn't do that, I just put 2 different panel pictures, on first picture is the Panel_Win2-7.png (transparent) and on second picture Panel_Win2-7Basic1280.png (basic not transparent) but if you wanna set an exact transparency level, you can do this with compiz compizconfig-settings-manager -> General Options -> Opacity Settings Add: (name=gimmie_applet) | (name=gnome-panel) | (type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog) then you can set the transparency level
Hi juandejesuss, Many thanks for your kind reply! Best Regards, Michael
sure Michael =D
Then what exactly is doing the drawing? Are you not using the pixmap gtk engine? or do you just not consider the pixmap gtk engine, a gtk engine?
I didn't consider that pixmap as a gtk-engine, but you're right, on my next update I'll change the name to this artwork =D thanks for the explanation dude!
Hey. I really like the theme it's real sick and hasn't been too much trouble to get. Except I have one question. How do you get the window list to look like it does in windows 7 with only the icons showing for the program? Thanks.
the program to get taskbar or gnome-panel like seven is called Dockbarx you can find it here and the theme is called tonkybar ;)
thanks a lot man! keep up the good work.
yup I'll do thanks for the support =D
I like it a lot :D And I've noticed something cool... this theme looks REALLY nice together with the Ubuntu Day window borders... with your theme, Ubuntu Day changes color to a really nice sky blue :)
woow thanks and now I'm working on textbox and shadow frames :) so keep connected
give me link please on your config
Of-course a small percentage of the graphic seen above are taken from the theme "Windows 7 basic theme lookalike" by Nemmeth, I used his as a base, but replaced 90% of the materials. Although I won't release any works by other without permission. I don't actually want to upload anything right now.