Linux Minty Green

GTK2 Themes

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Just switched to Linux Mint and love it so much I decided to make a theme for it.
I know this is strickly for Mint users as it is now, and it's only the metacity files so far, but once I get the it all finsihed (gtk, wallpaper icons etc) I'll also add a link to the gimp files so you can change them as well.
I might change some the green as it is really greeeeeennnn so far unless I can balance it out in gtk more. This is so far.
I'll upload the gtk as a package as soon as I get it finished.
Last changelog:

Thanks to IamJustUs the one who created Field+Stream a fantastic theme which you can down Here
This gtk saved me hours of coding.
Thanks IamJustUs

I got stuck with theme so I decided to make to wallpaper next to give me more ideas, so I added both sizes for download. This gave me a new direction for the theme so I'll be adding a second metacity theme to this one which I'll upload next then the gtk to go with both metacity files.

I added the second theme now, it's the bottom screenshot, I put both metacity files into one zip file now.
Next I'll add the gtk once I get it finished and then I'll bundle them separately.
After that I'll make an icon set for this theme if I have time and maybe a login screen and loading screen, we'll see how much time I have.

Changelog May 14 2011:
I finished the gtk (with a small bug I will try and fix in the combobox, it just uses the default text and I have to get it to use the text color I want, if anyone has a fix for this please let me know and I'll fix it and update it)
I have three metacity themes in this one that all use the same gtk, I started with the dark green one, for me I found it to dark so I made a second metacity theme that has green and gold in it instead, I also made one that uses lmde and debian logos on it instead of linux mint only.
I added instructions how to use each one as there is only one gtk.
I'll be making a wallpaper that uses the debian plus mint logo for those that have lmde, I'll upload it separately later.
Please let me know if you find anything wrong besides the combobox list unless its a fix, I still have to play with some of the other colors and tweak theme a bit also.

July 6 2011
I changed the wallpaper download to a different location for the download now, the download files includes both sizes 2560x1600 and 1600x1200 plus the gimp files with layers intact.

Ratings & Comments



This is the best theme I've ever seen!!!!!!Brahim


btw there's also a channel on youtube explaining how to install different sort of linux themes. might find it helpful. check it out:


Dappled sunlight, shadows, vines, sets the mood for exploring. Great work!


Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it. I just installed linux mint debian and am loving it, so I'm going to add one version for linux mint and one for lmde, I'll create another version of the wallpaper also, one for lmde as well. Almost finish the gtk artwork so hopefully I'll have that part up soon.


Thanks for your gtk it saved me hours of coding, it worked out nicely, I am just having issues with the combo box drop list to change the font color, it reads the default, hopefully I can fix this one, but your gtk for the field+stream theme made it so easy, I only had to change a few things like overlays for me and that was pretty much it. Thanks Again.


Sam, Glad you like the gtkrc file. I keep updating it everytime, I create a new theme trying to get everything working in sync. That, comboxmenu is a problem that has, also stumped me. I have tried setting it like the menubar, we can change text colors there. It did not work always reverts to fg color and selected fg color. Maybe If you move it up to the default section, I never tried that, just an idea. In a serious funk right now, I use Arch and just did a system upgrade that included gtk3, what a dissapointment for us themers. Well, you get to choose colors, the only thing I see being created is checkboxes perhaps others can be created also but I haven't seen anything different in any of the gtk3 themes so far. All the work of the gtk2 theme is ignored in gnome games they now use gtk3. Which reverts to an ugly default setting if you do not have a gtk3 file. I might just do a gtk3 removal and see what develops later. Great sig, if it aint broke dont fix it!


Ya I thought of a few things to fix it, maybe I'll try your method first to see what happens. I put the word out if anyone downloads it and wants to play with it to see if they find a fix to let me know and I'll add it in it, I'll let you know if anyone or me gets this bug fixed for the combobox menu. Maybe you should convert to linux mint, or LMDE, I got mint 10 running on 4 computers (not all mine but I take care of them and do the installs, and I got LMDE running on mine, it's all good with the mint still, There not in a rush to fix things that ain't broke which is why I switch to the mint :). Take Care and thanks again for the gtkrc. I'll keep you updated. Sam


Both look great!


Hey Padster long time since I seen you, I've been busy learning java to make android apps. I use mint now so I'm making a theme for it, (didn't like unity at all so I switched and found mint better for me anyhow) I'll be changing the metacity on this though (not to fond of all that green in it) but I'll keep it in this spot also. I just used my oldmetal metacity file since it's pretty much maxed out with what I could do in a metacity file.


Okay. Yeah, Unity is crap. I'm using Gnome-Shell on Fedora 15 on this PC, though I have Mint on another one and Ubuntu with Gnome-Shell and Gnome Classic on a 3rd. Gnome-Shell is pretty good, but yes, Mint seems to be a lot better than Ubuntu in these later releases.

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