i took the Murrina Chrome theme and just change the colors, but i think it would be useful to share this
with all of you
if someone can helpme i would be so happy.
Instalation: just extract and copy the folder to "personalfolder/themes"
EDIT: here is the wallpaper
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Hey! Nice work friend! Can you tell me how did you make your taskbar looking so nice? Thanks! :)
hi, if you mean the buttons i use dockbarx, you can use the launchpad repository to have it. when you have the applet you have to download the skin, i use one of the tonky desktop, you can found it here http://www.deviantart.com/download/135697944/Tonky_Desktop_v0_5_by_BigRZA.zip when you download it, you have to copy the Tonkybar.tar.gz to usr/share/dockbarx/themes then you add to the panel the dockbarx applet and enter to properties and select the tonky theme beside this, you have yo put the panel to alpha 0% (transparent) and you will have the panel exactly as me i hope this will help you bye PD: did you have any problem with the theme?
Hey! The theme is great, it's working fine for me. :) But I was talking about the gnome-panel, not the dock. I coundn't get mine looking like yours... :( How did you get that "glass" effect for the icons?
Hey! The theme is great, it's working fine for me. :) But I was talking about the gnome-panel, not the dock. I coundn't get mine looking like yours... :( How did you get that "glass" effect for the icons?
Hey! The theme is great, it's working fine for me. :) But I was talking about the gnome-panel, not the dock. I coundn't get mine looking like yours... :( How did you get that "glass" effect for the icons?
oops... sorry, blame Firefox for the re-posts! :P And sorry again, now I realize what you meant. I have the dockbarx installed and running fine too. Thank you very much for the tip! :) See you!
Great! Could you upload the wallpaper also? Thanks
i found it searching in google, beside that, i couldn't update it cause it's to heavy to opendesktop. anyway, i'm going to upload it to rapidshare so you can download it
Thank you!