Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
murrine slate mod that has went nuts.
wallpaper is by HotAmr i will upload with his permision per request.
the metacity pictured is in the update file. Last changelog:
wallpaper is by HotAmr i will upload with his permision per request.
the metacity pictured is in the update file.
1.2 changed some engine options
1.3 more tweaking some rc debugging new
toolbar, still cant figure out what
the deal is with ooo it wont draw
nodoka scrollbars either.
gtk and metacity are now named the same
modified metacity.
metacity update link
Ratings & Comments
those download links are not working clicking download it's goes to skydrive but there is no any files ? just only my own skydrive
Are you trying to "adopt" me like the rest of your kids, or what.
lmao, dude your retarded, really.
Why, you will not adopt a retard in your family will you?
argh. you are a relentless one. this could go on till the end of my time, but oh well i'm enjoying it for now. at least come up with insults that make sense, i mean making fun of a man for taking good care of his kids is hardly an insult. i take much pride in the fact that despite my past i have done very well as a father so thank you for trying to point that out for me. ;). well what now are you going to make fun of? how about that i was once homeless but now take care of a family of four, wow i must be a loser right? or the fact that i work, take care of my kids and go to college. ooh thats a real good one. and yet i still find time to play this game with you. ;p
Hi all! Wich font are you using in the screenshoots?
myriad apple
Ups, sorry screenshot, not screenshoot. Thanks monkeybritt, great theme!
thank you if you have any suggestions as to some changes please let me know
i was accused of not showing enough in screeshots in my other theme that is in development so i wanted to make sure that this one, which has my attention at the moment is well shown. the wallpaper was made for me by my friend HotAmr. thanks to all those that like this style. later |=-)> ps: nerdcore
I don't see any style, just a baby-sitter's room.Hope I didn't hurt your gentle soul again, if I did, forgive me.
that doesnt even make sense, you didnt hurt any feelings just struck a nerve. whats ur deal anyway? not enough to do? dude you need to relax ;-]
There is no need to make sense, your theme looks like a baby-sitter's room.If you had read between the lines you would have known by now.Hopefully I was clear enough this time. Good luck!
Really? Is this what your baby-sitters room looks like? I guess I don't get it. any way there always has to be a jack-a$$ in the bunch. Now little boy we grown-ups have real people to talk to if you don't mind.
Go feed the baby, Daddy or I should call you mammy.
aww look at the little boy trying to sound hard. what does your daddy not pay attention to you?
Hi, good work!!! What wallpaper are you using?
i found it here i like the classic gnome bgs http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/Gnome-wallpaper-50996
Il manque le gestionnaire de fenêtre "Humanified ORD". Tu sais comment je pourrais l'installer ? Je suis sous Intrepid. Merci
réviser metacity.xml montrer monkeyMOD comme le titre pour le thème. réviser index.theme montrer monkeyMOD puor le metacity theme. sorry for my awful french.
You don't have to be sorry :) I did what you told me to do (your french is no perfect but I understand it, so it's not really bad ;) ) but it still don't work for me. I got no error message now, but the theme looks like the root theme. Well, I use Intrepid, not Jaunty, so I think that the problem is my Ubuntu... I got the same problem with a lot of murrine based themes. Thank you very much for the theme, as soon as Karmic is out I'll use it, it's beautiful :) ps ; excuse me for my English ^^
if anyone knows what causes this could you please tell me. it only happens in openoffice.org screenshot here http://cid-94d45d88aea0937b.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Screenshot.png thanx in advance to any one who knows ;-]
Firefox theme link?
im using strata xp theme i think i got it from search addons in the addons menu
Hi! wich icon theme are you using in the screenshoot?