Hi there,
so here's the sequel of my 1st attempt to achieve a lookalike to the (so hated) Win.7 appearance.
My 1st try was posted in the early days of June :
I tried then to give the panel the transparency there is in the sosoft OS

I guess I find a way to do the trick.
So :
- 1 ) firstly, install the gtk theme I have managed to asemble, a few changes have I done :
they'll be more obvious at the end of the "to do" affair, cause without transparency it just looks blahhh.
- 2 ) when you're done with the gtk theme install,
use the panel.bg.png I provided inside the gtk files as a picture for the panel :
Just right click on the panel, then properties, backgroud, background picture,
and select the picture I provided in the main folder of my theme.
The path should probably be : ~/.themes/Win7.Basic.02/gtk-2.0/panel.bg.png.
If I didn't screw the whole thing, you'll be able to see a true transparent panel bar with soft cloudy mouseover effect and a shady dark button for the foreground open window.
I invite you to read my previous post to get the information about the who's who about this work.
Again, I simply put together things I found here and there but 4 sure didn't do the whole thing on my own, I simply don't have the skills.
Thanx, and enjoy.
For all you win$ haters, please pass your way and don't polute this thread with your bad manners. The philosophy is about sharing, not hating.
And 15000 + downloaders of my previous version can't be wrong, nop ?
PS.2 : The icon theme is now available here : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win.7.basic.icon.theme.trial.01?content=109359
Ratings & Comments
this theme dosen't work on my 2008 lenovo y310 running linux mint 20.2 uma with mate desktop environment.
9 9 excellent
Just tried this theme in ubuntu 12.04 and don't get the task bar up. Is there something additional I'll need to do to get this working?
Hi there, I'm a bit confused by what's your problem. But from what I understand this sounds like a dock issue or something display related... Have your properly configured your desktop? We are in a xfce section, and so far, I've never tried this theme with this main graphical manager, keeping the main thing under Gnome. So this might probably have some kind of connection to this display manager. Moreover, and unfortunately for you I'm afraid,, I moved to Kde ages ago when it grown up to the 4.5 branch... But all the feed back I had regarding this theme under gnome was pretty ok so I guess, again, your problem is xfce/display manager related. Thanx for your interest anyway. I wish you the best to fix this issue. And if you manage to, be kind enough to share your how to with linux fellas :)
This is really great to get a windows 7 transformation pack. I am a great fan of these types of things to do on my computer and love to share it with others. I don’t know that if I got a chance to share one of my greatest love Ubuntu’s wallpaper for windows 7 with the users or if the moderator of this blog will let me do this but I am sure that everyone will love it. please let me share with the users. check the under given link to find a very impressive wallpaper of ubuntu for windows 7. check the under given link: http://tinyurl.com/25sookt
very good theme, but where can get the wallpaper? or give a name of it? thanks.
got it already, thanks.
Hi guy, since yesterday, i upgraded to Luccid Lynxand can tell you, that the gtk-engine of your theme works well with it. But one question: how can I get this nice Metacity you use in your screenshots? It isn't included in your theme. Can you tell me which Metacity it is, so that I can finish-up this theme on my machine? Thank you in advance for your message. Finally I want to say: I love this theme and I successfully imported the Windows 7 icons from Karmic. Greetings Karmicbastler
Well. Firstly, I'm very impressed by the fact you're already running a distro that will (I supposed so 'till now) be realeased in april of 2010. Anyway, cool for you if you're one of the lucky few that have the chance to test it ages before its official release. Second, I'm sorry to tell you that it isn't a metacity theme. In order to get full transparency support, we have to use 3D and so Compiz, which usually fits well with Emerald. And that's precisely the point pal, I'm using Emerald as a window manager and decorator. If it isn't installed by default, just open Synaptic and search Emerald, then fusion-icon. Install both of them, then once you're done, go to your menu, Administration and click Compiz-Fusion-Icon. A blue square icon (regular one until you've themed your icon set) will appear to the right bottom of your panel bar. Right click on it and run Emerald Theme Manager. Once the window of Emerald Theme Manager is open, click on Import. You'll then have the choice to navigate through your files to the folder where you saved the downloaded "xxx.emerald" themes you'll have had previously got on gnomelook, compiz and/or beryl section. I use "Who.needs.Win7" or so called (I guess I explained it in my theme presentation and gave a link to the thread it's been posted on), but any vista/7 lookalike will do the trick as long as you adjust it in emerald edition and configuration window. That's all folk. Enjoy and thanx a lot for your comment.
No man it's not hardware related lol it's the Nvidia gadget from screenlets Once your theme is applied it goes crazy displaying a hole bunch of stuff where the info of the card should be (which is also the same stuff that gets displayed on the terminal when you do a command there is a previous post about that bug in here like maybe 2 or 3 pages back and i too get that.) and then the screenlet just like stops working and if you log out and back in or reboot then it doesn't show, but screenlets manager says it's running. I'm going to try and get some screen shots so you can see what i'm saying and as the themes I did that completely removed them downloaded from synaptic again but still the theme does something to it that completely messes it up. I'm starting to believe all 3 things are related maybe some line of the code malformed? let me try to get those screenshots for you so you can see better what I'm saying.
Ok here are the screens in order. 1. with other theme the way it should look with the NVidia screenlet (gadget) working bottom right. http://lookpic.com/i/244/UkmPmaXn.png 2.Once your theme is applied look how the gadget displays some info about the theme. Also notice it doesn't show as a theme have to get it from the custom menu under controls. http://lookpic.com/i/165/9Xjs5AlO.png 3.Once logged out and back in the screenlet is no longer displayed but it is running. And also the stuff that the terminal spits out when running a command. http://lookpic.com/i/552/Y056tjld.png Hope this helps you out to figure what is going on. now i need to find a solution for getting emerald to come up all the time when the theme requires it lol.
Well, well, well !!! I can see clearly now. To get the transparency effect, I, indeed, have had to cheat with the gtkrc and panel.rc files. Maybe you know, the only way to get an information not loaded with the theme you 're using is to place a "#" in front of the line you want to avoid. Why "#" instead of simply removing the line = because removing the line directly drive the system to crash or similar, anyway, it becomes everything but cool. So. In the first place, if you remove the "#" in the lines 7 and 8 of the panel.rc text file in the theme folder, you'll notice that the panel bar transparency will not be there anymore. So. So far, that's the only way I found to get the transparency without screwing the whole theme. Furthermore, and this is very strange, it appears once you reboot, that your display manager can't find pictures in the theme that are actually there, obviously: e.g. : Handles/handle-v.png / Handles/handle-h.png. The only one I'm not sure about is Panel/panelbutton.png, because I posted this theme months ago and am I now working on its sequel. I don't have this exact ans same configuration anymore. But, you can try to rename one of the panelbutton(1) or (2) or (3).png into panelbutton.png and see what happened. That's, so far, the best I can do from here. Of course, before beeing able to modify those text files that are gtkrc and/or panel.rc inside the theme folder, you have to get yourself the rights to do so. I do a simple trick : open a terminal, then : sudo chmod 777 -R /home/share/themes/Win7.Basic.02 Actually, I've been very surprised to see the theme being installed there. Mine is installed in the folder /home/myname/.themes/Win7.Basic.02 And that's maybe the path yours should have been too, nop? If none of the previous tricks work, why not removing totally the theme from /usr/share/theme and installl it, manually, in the proper /home/yourname/.themes folder. To do so : exctract the "tar.gz" archive on your desktop, then : sudo copy -R /home/yourname/Desktop/Win7.Basic.02 /home/yourname/.themes/ sudo chmod 777 -R /home/yourname/.themes/Win7.Basic.02 and see what's happened. And, for the end, I noticed you're using this tool to get the panel bar looking like Windows 7, each application icon beeing glowed by a cloudy square. Don't you think this could have harm your installatiion. Furthermore, which version are you using. I build my version upon Linux Mint 7, i.e Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalop. I hope you're not on Karmic, otherwise this could explain a lot. Tell me what my explainations did. Thanx.
Sorry to tell you dude it has nothing to do with Karmic or the location of the folder. It's more a human mistake on your part in the naming and format of some of the graphics included. Ok i'll start by saying after I read your post and saw what you was suggesting decided to take another look at the screens I posted as I didn't quite understand what you wrote on the post, honestly got more confused, so looked in to the panel.rc file and the panel folder. As you can see in the next shot that solves the mystery of the missing panelbutton.png and the panel(-)bg.png msg. panelbutton.png doesn't exist or maybe the numbering you gave them when saving is wrong and the panel bg you saved it with a (.) and not a (-) as you put in the panel.rc also you did not save it in the /Panel folder as you put it in the panel.rc. it is in the main Win7.Basic.02/gtk-2.0 folder http://lookpic.com/i/862/m62VGm2V.png Now has for the handles it was the same human error in the saved format. You used .TGA instead of .PNG as you can see in this screenshot. http://lookpic.com/i/857/1r9rXXm7.png Ok now what I couldn't figure out was the : overlay image options specified without filename, as i looked over and over the file even using gedit to go the the specified line and still couldn't figure that one out. so maybe look in to that one for your sequel of the theme. make sure it's all good! oh just so you know I am using Dockbarx so the glow thing and such are not the ones of your theme in your defense lol. And last I just want to comment on this. Quote:Actually, I've been very surprised to see the theme being installed there.
Mine is installed in the folder /home/myname/.themes/Win7.Basic.02
And that's maybe the path yours should have been too, nop?"
Well that my friend is something you're going have to ask the Ubuntu guys as I installed the normal way and that's where it put the folder.
Hope this helps you sort out the "Big Bug Bags" so your next theme comes out flawless.
I for one look forward to it and keep up the great work man!
Sorry to tell you dude it has nothing to do with Karmic or the location of the folder. It's more a human mistake on your part in the naming and format of some of the graphics included. Ok i'll start by saying after I read your post and saw what you was suggesting decided to take another look at the screens I posted as I didn't quite understand what you wrote on the post, honestly got more confused, so looked in to the panel.rc file and the panel folder. As you can see in the next shot that solves the mystery of the missing panelbutton.png and the panel(-)bg.png msg. panelbutton.png doesn't exist or maybe the numbering you gave them when saving is wrong and the panel bg you saved it with a (.) and not a (-) as you put in the panel.rc also you did not save it in the /Panel folder as you put it in the panel.rc. it is in the main Win7.Basic.02/gtk-2.0 folder http://lookpic.com/i/862/m62VGm2V.png Now has for the handles it was the same human error in the saved format. You used .TGA instead of .PNG as you can see in this screenshot. http://lookpic.com/i/857/1r9rXXm7.png Ok now what I couldn't figure out was the : overlay image options specified without filename, as i looked over and over the file even using gedit to go the the specified line and still couldn't figure that one out. so maybe look in to that one for your sequel of the theme. make sure it's all good! oh just so you know I am using Dockbarx so the glow thing and such are not the ones of your theme in your defense lol. And last I just want to comment on this. Quote:Actually, I've been very surprised to see the theme being installed there.
Mine is installed in the folder /home/myname/.themes/Win7.Basic.02
And that's maybe the path yours should have been too, nop?"
Well that my friend is something you're going have to ask the Ubuntu guys as I installed the normal way and that's where it put the folder.
Hope this helps you sort out the "Big Bug Bags" so your next theme comes out flawless.
I for one look forward to it and keep up the great work man!
This theme totally crippled my NVidia gadget from screenlets do you know why by anychance or how to make them work togheter? I really want(need) them to work if not sadly I have to ditch this theme but don't want to as I now have my machine dual boot and feel the same in both OS. Also when the theme is applied 2 of the default themes get screwed up the New Wave and New Wave dark. thanks. ps. forget previous post as I figured out I needed emerald. but sadden that almost a week and had no reply.
Sorry to hear 'bout your nvidia issues. But, I as well use an nvidia based config and so far haven't had any kind of problem regarding the hardware!!! I'm sorry you're having trouble, but it appears you're the first experiencing hardware related troubles. And my skills there are rather limited not to say inexistant. But, I noticed, long ago in a far far far away galaxy, that some people were having issues with their gnome apps looking ugly even with theme and decorations turned on. Maybe this could be of some help : There’s a simple and very quick way to set root applications so that they ALWAYS look as your normal applications, regardless the theme you are using. Just open a terminal and run: sudo ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.themes /root/.themes sudo ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.icons /root/.icons sudo ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.fonts /root/.fonts You're done. In some cases, this changed dramatically the look of apps like synaptic and/or bad looking root apps. So, Now! When it comes to New Wave and New Wave dark. I haven't try those themes and don't know how to solve your problem. Anyway, once again, it appears you're the only one encountering those bugs. Why not trying removing and install them again, taking care, once you remove 'em from the display and appearance manager to actually remove their folders, physically, in their own repository, i.e. ./themes. That may fix the issue. Just tell me ;-) And sorry if it took time to get an answer, but I have a work in my real life that can sometimes and for long periods be extremely demanding :) Don't you??? Cheers. And thank you for your comment and the use of my theme. Let me know if by chance I have been of any help.
Sorry to hear 'bout your nvidia issues. But, I as well use an nvidia based config and so far haven't had any kind of problem regarding the hardware!!! I'm sorry you're having trouble, but it appears you're the first experiencing hardware related troubles. And my skills there are rather limited not to say inexistant. But, I noticed, long ago in a far far far away galaxy, that some people were having issues with their gnome apps looking ugly even with theme and decorations turned on. Maybe this could be of some help : There’s a simple and very quick way to set root applications so that they ALWAYS look as your normal applications, regardless the theme you are using. Just open a terminal and run: sudo ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.themes /root/.themes sudo ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.icons /root/.icons sudo ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.fonts /root/.fonts You're done. In some cases, this changed dramatically the look of apps like synaptic and/or bad looking root apps. So, Now! When it comes to New Wave and New Wave dark. I haven't try those themes and don't know how to solve your problem. Anyway, once again, it appears you're the only one encountering those bugs. Why not trying removing and install them again, taking care, once you remove 'em from the display and appearance manager to actually remove their folders, physically, in their own repository, i.e. ./themes. That may fix the issue. Just tell me ;-) And sorry if it took time to get an answer, but I have a work in my real life that can sometimes and for long periods be extremely demanding :) Don't you??? Cheers. And thank you for your comment and the use of my theme. Let me know if by chance I have been of any help.
i think is the same problem as the above post I'm not getting transparency on the borders or the themed borders for that matter any help?
I did apply this theme but window title bar still the same.. no cool close, minimize, max buttons.. no transparency. I didn't try to apply icon theme. What should I do to make it work? Using GTK window decorator applying themes by clicking: preferences -> appearance -> install
Are you using a compositing application and have you turned on your 3D video card graphical abilities. Cause if you didn't, never any theme built upon those needed capacities will ever work :) Install compiz (the one for Gnome, using Synaptic - gnome applications manager - if you're running an Ubuntu flavored distro) Then, Install Emerald (same way) Then, Install fusion-icon (it'll be very helpful to check whether or not your display is managed by compiz (what we want) or Metacity (the default windows decorations manager - without any transparency ability!) Then, Turn on your 3D. It depends on the hardware your computer is based on. Ati or Nvidia or onboard graphics chipsets for Intel or whatever, read carefully the result of the command line : lshw -C display According to your hardware, install proprietary drivers using the Proprietary Driver Manager Tool in your Control Center. Reboot if you've installed anything. 3D should be activate then. If it doesn't - then google for some info and learn a bit 'bout 3D and Compiz. I can't teach you cause it's so heavy headaches are to be gain in the end :) Then read again, and carefully, the lines I wrote introducing my theme, at the very beginig of the post, 1st page. I tried to give a how to so you'd get the appearance you're after. Would you be kind enough to tell me the result of all your travels in the countries of open source software. I hope I'd be of any help. Thanx for using the theme, or, so far, trying to :)
I did apply this theme but window title bar still the same.. no cool close, minimize, max buttons.. no transparency. I didn't try to apply icon theme. What should I do to make it work? Using GTK window decorator applying themes by clicking: preferences -> appearance -> install
I did apply this theme but window title bar still the same.. no cool close, minimize, max buttons.. no transparency. I didn't try to apply icon theme. What should I do to make it work? Using GTK window decorator applying themes by clicking: preferences -> appearance -> install
Is there a matching metacity theme ? Thanks about this theme. Its totally cool.
create the file vi ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/chrome/userChrome.css insert code (Ins) menubar, menubutton, menu{ font-family: helvetica !important; font-size: 4mm !important; color: white ! important; } and save (:wq)
Thanx a lot for the trick. Anyway, I choose to use another theme than the default one and this bug is not a concern to me anymore. There are plenty of good themes giving FF the look of IE8 - I chose to use the "Vista-aero" but "MyFirefox" is rather cool too. So. Many thanx for your welcome workaround. It'll be very helpful for those who wish to stand to the default theme or all buggy ones when it comes to display. Thanx for your interest :)