Nimbus-Aero Improved
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
this is a modification of the Nimbus-Vistalooks theme
requires Nimbus Engine installed
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nimbus+%28+Debian+and+Ubuntu+packages+%29?content=70212 Last changelog:
requires Nimbus Engine installed
1.0 First release
-improved menúbar-item borders
-added panel background bigger so can
be adjusted
-Redrawed Menubars blue, green and light
-Edited panel buttons
- Added Progressbar Vista-Style
- New Separator Vista-Style
Ratings & Comments
Please tell me how to install this Nimbus-Aero Style to my system. I am downloaded a .tar file from the link you are specified. I am new in the field of linux. Please help me ????
just right clic on your desktop-->change desktop background and then go to theme tab and drop your theme inside, this theme will be installed automatically and ready to use
@ ShattenGess ang: sorry, there is ann error in the second Link. The correct Link is this one to the Windows 7 Icons on http://softpedia.com: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Icons/W7-icon-theme-50941.shtml Greetings and sorry for this little mistake. Greetings Karmicbastler
@ SchattenGess ang: here is now the link on gnome-look.org, where you can find the official Windows 7 icons: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7?content=113264 and now here the Lik for the same ones on http://softpedia.com: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Icons/Win2Vista-51599.shtml and here is the Link where you can find the official Vista-Icons for your Gnome-Desktop on http://softpedia.com: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Icons/Win2Vista-51599.shtml So I hope, I could serve you with facts, that your compromitting words are no way true and that the author uandejesuss does not break any copyright or law. These Icons are officially and free in circulation on the internet!!
@ SchattenGess ang: sorry but your compromitting words are not right. The original vista-icons are free for download on http://gnome-look.org. as well as on http://softpedia.com. There you can find the icons as well as the original icons for Windows 7!!! I also have these ones together with the original gtk-engine. So everyone is free to download and install these icons without breaking any copyrights or laws!! Greetings Karmicbastler
Excelente Tema, porcierto eso que usas para mostrar "La Fecha" y esas cosas de tu sistema es "Conky" o es Google Gadgets o es algun otro Screenlet o Applet, que usas ??? ^^
Gracias, el tema es conky-colors, por aquí está el programita para configurarlo
Looks ugly and also you're violating copyrights, using windows flag, the registered trademark, as menu icon.
the menu icon used on the picture is not included on this work, in fact that work is a skin of gnomenu, another work developed by someone else, gtk theme is just the skin, not the icons... if you see something ugly tell me what part to improve this work...
hey thanks for this theme ;) , but i have a question , why you icons in the home folder look like the new ones in karmic , if u usas u icons win2vista , because the my don't look like that , o only works en karmic ??? thanks ;) . sorry por mi mal ingles :D
awww... I haven't tested Ubuntu Karmic Koala yet, because is beta now, as soon as this becomes into stable version, I'll download it and try to make this compatible with Karmic