Needs Aurora engine, please tell me if you like or not, and why! help me to improve my skills! it would only take 1 minute, maybe 2 for you, and for my skills, that would improve them forever!
Sure, i'll do it. But keep in mind that this is only a BETA version, so i won't do both versions (one with steppers, and the other one without them) until this theme reaches the final stage. Otherwise, it would be harder to control changes and merge them in both versions.
Ratings & Comments
Nice, but what about the buttons on the top and bottom of the scroll bar?
Hehe, well, i wanted this theme to be different, so i removed those buttons, in fact, i never use them :) thanks for the comment!
I usually don't use them... but could you please make a version with them?
Sure, i'll do it. But keep in mind that this is only a BETA version, so i won't do both versions (one with steppers, and the other one without them) until this theme reaches the final stage. Otherwise, it would be harder to control changes and merge them in both versions.
Would it be OK if I make a pixmap version and publish it with steppers, if I gave you credit?
if you use the same CC license (by-nc-sa) then of course :) link me to your work when you're done, i would love to see it might be a while till I'm done, I've got school and other things to do...