Just a mix of various ideas. All credit goes to the people mentioned below in the changelog. Take it or leave it...- This is essentially the Unified theme by zacbarton (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Unified?content=121728) with a few tweaks. Thanks zac for a brilliant theme!- Adjusted scrollbars (modified from ubuntu 10.04 Ambiance theme, r4ito's idea)- Darkened everything by 30% (user333's idea)- Changed metacity buttons (taken from bvc's Aqua Advanced metacity theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aqua+Advanced?content=59285 - my idea ;-) )Wallpaper: http://jackietran.deviantart.com/art/Pink-Sky-163244360
Ratings & Comments
Nice job john007
Thanks, Zac!