Mac Like
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Don't forget to install the Aurora engine if you haven't already done so: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438, you will also need the clearlooks engine installed (most likeley installed if you have gnome).
Please leave feedback (good or bad) so I know if there's something that needs fixing. (Please no feedback about how your sick of mac themes, some people actually like the mac look.)
-I included two scrollbar styles, for those that prefor the glass look edit the gtkrc file and change
include "scrollbar1.rc" to
include "scrollbar.rc"
Version 1.2:
-Fixed bug making GlobalMenu not look good.
-Made panel handles go away
Version 1.1:
-Changed gradient pattern
-Fixed some issues
-Cleaned up code
-Improved visual appearence of some widgets including the text entry box.
Version 1.0:
-Changed look of scrollbars
-Added ability to change scrollbar style (see description),
-Fixed gradient scrollbar appearance.
-When you change the scrollbar style the progress bar follows look.
Ratings & Comments
Love the GlobalMenu Fix!!!
no more problems now! Great job!
I really like that slider image. It's a lot better looking that the ones used in other Mac clone themes.
one of the best mac theme for gnome in my opinion at least. Though there is a small beauty problem when using global menu. If you could check that, that would be great. otherwise, great theme, keep up the good work!
Thanks for you input glad you liked it. Just wondering if someone could post a screenshot of the global menu issue because I don't seem to be getting it on mine.
this is the best.. although i dont use a mac theme, i always keep one handy (old one being replaced by this) so i can have it up before someone new sees it.... "wait, what? you have a mac? this isnt a mac, ive never seen a mac like this!" haha, then i tell them its actually linux... and it was free
Hey. Very nice-looking theme. I'm experiencing a problem with global menu though. It just doesn't look as nice as in your screenshot. There is a grey bar instead of the panel background. Which version are you using?
I also had some problems with global menu in the past. I just recently tried it out again I'm using 0.7.3 on gentoo linux from the gentoo overlay here: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/wiki/InstallOnGentoo