Description: So far just a basic recolour of "Glossy P" with a few modifications and fixes. Thanks go to Glossy P's original author for an EXCELLENT theme. I have merely recoloured it and added Dropline Neu! 2 icons and the Alphacube 1.0 metacity theme.
This has become the fifth in a series of themes by request. The orange is based on the Ubuntu default theme.
Feel free to modify this theme further and redistribute it, but, please leave a comment like this one giving credit to the original author of Glossy P, m5brane ( and myself (
but why doesn't this theme apply to administrative tasks/apps? I've noticed this with other themes as well.
Like, if I did "sudo gimp whatever.png" to edit an image, Gimp would be all ugly and blocky as opposed to if I just did "gimp whatever.png", in which case it would fit the theme.
Except for one thing; some apps and other things aren't themed when using this (like GIMP, the Network Manager, and a few other things). Instead, they're just gray and square. Why is this?
they could be the root programs. But Gimp? i don't know. you could intsall the theme with root privilegs too( ubuntu: sudo gnome-appearance-properties %F )
sry for my bad english
By the screenshots it looks very nice, but when I choose it from the theme manager, the controls became plain and firefox crashes.Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!
You're probably using Ubuntu edgy eft, right? It seems that edgy no longer coms with the pixmap engine. Try installing the gtk2-engines-pixbuf package and see if that helps.
Ratings & Comments
I just wanted to thank you for this, it's definitely the best orange theme ever! I love the sidebars and the button highlights, thank you very much!
but why doesn't this theme apply to administrative tasks/apps? I've noticed this with other themes as well. Like, if I did "sudo gimp whatever.png" to edit an image, Gimp would be all ugly and blocky as opposed to if I just did "gimp whatever.png", in which case it would fit the theme.
Except for one thing; some apps and other things aren't themed when using this (like GIMP, the Network Manager, and a few other things). Instead, they're just gray and square. Why is this?
they could be the root programs. But Gimp? i don't know. you could intsall the theme with root privilegs too( ubuntu: sudo gnome-appearance-properties %F ) sry for my bad english
You were right, it was because they were run as root. Thanks!
By the screenshots it looks very nice, but when I choose it from the theme manager, the controls became plain and firefox crashes.Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!
You're probably using Ubuntu edgy eft, right? It seems that edgy no longer coms with the pixmap engine. Try installing the gtk2-engines-pixbuf package and see if that helps.
You're right, I'm using Edgy Eft. OK, I will try this when I'm home, thanks for your help!
by far my favourite theme; i've been using it for a few weeks now
Your theme rocks!