Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Do you mind sharing the wallpaper? Thanks Nice work
Thanks. You've got a nice theme. Had to install the theme engine to get it to work correctly, because it was all black. But, now I have it installed and looking beautiful.
Which engine installed for it?
I had to install 'ubuntulooks'. I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. I don't remember if I had that engine installed on jaunty, but I most likely not. Anyway, now it looks right.
i love the theme, and i think the color scheme looks very nice together. i'm just not a fan of the red spectrum, is there a way to unlock this or potentially get you to post another package with maybe blue or green.
I'm not going to be able to find a good blend of buttons for the metacity theme. Perhaps someone else can do this.
I'll tell you what, folks.. let me know what you want and I'll design an alternate metacity theme for this project. The overall theme is beautiful and I feel an alternate metacity theme would be a nice addition.
Agreed. If you can make a new metacity theme, it would be nice, I'll work on it.
I have some ideas and am going to work on this today. The theme is beautiful, I don't want to change much so I'm only going to edit the titlebar buttons. Hopefully it will turn out to be a nice addition.
Beautiful theme....the only thing that gives me some doubts is metacity, I don't like Vista-style buttons...:P
Same here.
excelente tema, pero me podrías decir donde consigo los iconos, me gustan mucho te lo agradecería mucho
The icons are remix or maxo remix, in this page:!)?content=103490
Este tema es absolutamente hermoso.
Hey, I totally love the theme.. but it would be better if you change the vista buttons for the "shiki-colors" buttons.. :).. and the panel, a simpler image that is kinda transparent.. not one like vista.. and one last detail: GREAT JOB DUDE! JUST TRY TO MAKE IT MORE UNIQUE.. WE DON'T DEPEND ON WINDOWS! remember that.. :)
Ni quiero, ni me gusta windows, ni me gusta ser de uno o otro... como ser de un equipo..., a mi me gusta el todo, no se si me entiendes, solo modifiqué un poco otro tema para que encaje dentro de los colores de karmic, nada más...
Translation: "Neither I, nor do I like windows, nor do I like being in one or another ... such as a team ... I like everything, if I understand not only other issue I modified slightly to fit within the karmic colors, nothing more ..."