is based on aurora and equinox engines
you can change the color to any you like
este es un stilo gtk para el tema de iconos delta esta basado en los motores aurora y equinox
le pueden cambiar al color que gusten

original link of the cursors (black ah white regular are included in the theme)
Ratings & Comments
Nice screenshoot xD
he change the release without change/changelog only to pull up his theme. and not still work! very bad!
you are wrong this really works
I dont think this.
this is not a fake and works perfectly under debian squeeze + gnome. also he is in fact updating the same theme-id and not "posting a new" theme on every upate.. nevertheless I am pretty sure many would be happy if they could get some changelog - with that I could see if the eclipse bug got fixed ;)
Hi! Why are you creating new theme for every change instead of updating existing one?
Moreover, what are the actual changes from one version to the next? I see no changelog.
Hi, I'm quite new to this so excuse me if I ask a silly question, but when I load the theme through ubuntu's theme manager after installing both equinox and aurora, I only get something that remotely looks like the screenshots. Both my menubar and windows have a 'windows 95-like' grey color, rather than the gradient they should have. Any clue what I might be doing wrong? Thanks
you need aurora and equinox engines, but I think that there are something of wrong in the gtkrc file.
By now I noticed it is complaining about a few lines in the gtkrc file. I commented out line 138 and line 142 and now at least it loads fine. I haven't discovered any obvious visual bugs because of doing this.
whats the difference to ver. 8.0?
dont work in maverick. equinox and aurora engines installed.
i have ubuntu 10.10 try downlad again
I have just downloaded it again and dont work.
a bugreport usually contains more info then "dont work" but heeey, then again, this is gnome look :-|