Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This here has the xdg-user-dirs directories (available in the Fedora package but not in the - old - Debian package gnome-themes), the "Mail Reader" and "Education" icons for the Xfce menu and the "Suspend" and "Hibernate" icons for the "Action Buttons" panel plug-in.
August 14, 2014
Added 32x32, 24x24, 22x22 and 16x16 system-suspend and system-hibernate.
September 25, 2012
Added icons for the "Action Buttons" panel plug-in.
March 1st, 2012
Claws Mail icon theme based on the GNOME theme with the relevant folder icons replaced.
My apologies for the earlier Claws mail theme that had been uploaded on 26/Feb and was broken, please use this one instead which is pretty fine.
Updated the main icon theme too as it was mixed the Debian old version with the Fedora newer version. Now it's simply the Fedora version (2.32.0) with the added Mail Reader and Education icons.
Ratings & Comments
I am using this one right now. Thank you, theme maker.
I've noticed that if you click on the suspend or hibernate options in the xfce action buttons plugin, the icon is too big so the button in the suspend or hibernate dialog becomes massive. To fix, create 32x32 and 24x24 versions of system-suspend.png and system-hibernate.png Then regenerate the icon cache using the following: gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t ~/.icons/Mist (that is assuming that you've put the Mist folder in .icons)
You'll want 22x22 and 16x16 as well.
Oh and you've also got a diffrent mail icon in 256x256 than you have in the other icon sizes.
Thanks for the report. I added the smaller icons. I have no computer anymore so I kept the bigger mail icon as it is as I don't even recall why I did it this way (probably because it was the icon I had found at that size and wanted to keep the quality).
What theme are you using in the to two screenshot images? Thanks! BTW, i'm using this icon theme now!
(more than a year later) It was the MediterraneanNight theme, I think.
hey! i think it'd be worth submitting the claws-mail icon theme upstream to get it included in the claws-mail-themes package (http://claws-mail.org/themes.php?section=downloads). good work!
Hi, thank you. I'll write to them people. BTW, I've uploaded a Faenza based theme at http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza+based+icons+for+Claws+Mail.?content=150139 (not saying that's good, but at least it covers the lack of one based on that icon theme).
Hi! I really really like your work! I have a little suggestion: I think that for consistency you should port from Fedora all the directory icons and not only the xdg ones. In fact, as you can see in my screenshot th special folders as a slightly different (better) look. http://ompldr.org/vY3dteg Thanks!
Indeed. I'll look at it, thank you.
Thanks again!! Keep up with the good work!!
Thanks for this, the download worked for me in two steps in Chrome ... Like the clean and simple look of the folders: minimal, but with this subtle gradient, borders and highlights. Very well done indeed. Cause I'm on Xubuntu, I did edit line 4 'inherits' in the index.theme: changed it to: Inherits=elementary-mono-dark,elementary - to be able to inherit the missing icons that are available in this OS, works well nevertheless.
The download link is not working
Hi, try this link directly https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BzwnXD_0CJveYzk2ODNmMmEtNWMxYi00NjY5LWE2ZmEtN2RiNTExNDM5Yjhi For some reason, Chrome asks me to login to Google to see it but Firefox didn't. So it may be something cookie related (confirmed by deleting all *.google.com cookies it doesn't ask to login).
Thanks the links work with chromium