Axiom Dark Panel
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
All credit to the authors of those themes.
Tested on XFCE 4.8 Debian Testing (Wheezy).
Icon theme shown is Faenza-Cupertino.
Enable show shadow under regular and popup windows in compositing for best effect.
1.1 Added GTK3 support so GTK3 applications like Network Manager, Audacious and Transmission now display correctly. Credit: GTK3 theme is a modification of the Greybird theme.
1.2 Removed unintended and broken Murrine dependency. (Theme worked OK without Murrine installed, but was broken if it was installed.)
1.3 Fixed a couple of issues affecting display of text in GTK3. Updated screen shots to reflect a few tweaks to the theme.
1.4 Fixed a GTK3 issue.
1.5 Added a notifications theme for XFCE. Put the folder in the system themes folder or in ~/.themes.
1.6 Uploaded a version for Debian Jessie. The GTK3 theme in the existing version works in Wheezy but is broken in Jessie. The new version has an updated GTK3 theme (modified from Greybird) which I have tested in Jessie. It may also work in other distros with more recent GTK3 libraries.
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