BiSOFT-Xfce Graybird


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New fixes recently found and some advised from my friends ...

Ready for LinuxMint-15 Xfce, incl. fix for Whisker menu and frame MacOS ...

Now ready for Xubuntu 13.04 or for the best polished Xfce distro = Voyager 13.04
added more xfwm4 themes : Black MacOS (default), MacOS, green Mac, win7-like, KDE like. When you choose yours, just rename it to 'xfwm4' in the theme dir and activate via setting box of your Xfce distro.
Main theme : bisoft-xfce, inspired by kokodi frame theme - to green MacOS like; this theme will fix your panel also, if so just make the settings in panel - appearance 'None' to have the best results.
colors fixes and bisoft-cursors added (you must move them into ./icons/bisoft-cursors )
added bisoft-xfce, under xubuntu-12-04-2 /12-10 updated also tu Mint-14 (xfce) includes metacity-1 too.
Last updates - for xfce : gtk-2 and gtk-3 equal colors and scrollbars - MacOS Like ...
Updated new features ... panels 28px added + colors a bit darker to the frame theme
Color bugs fixed (GTK-2 on aurora for mint-14 xfce best !!!
Actually it is not a new theme ... those guys, that have already downloaded my stuff are familiar with my development line - MacOS like frames and GTK, with Win7 icons on ... of course Linux OS ?!
and now on XFCE Linux. I am running LinuxMint-14 XFCE 64bit - this theme works perfectly there.
You may also want to download my icon-pack from here :

Good luck !!!

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So I recently downloaded this theme. However I think there might be some issues with the currently available files. First, I think the currently available upload might be an older version since there is no green MacOS or KDE theme which you pointed out you added later. Second, I may have missunderstood what you said, but you seem to indicate that the default xfwm4 theme should be something similar to the kokodi theme. However, whether I apply the default theme or the xfwm4_MacOS theme seem to yield the same result. That is both directories contain the macOS window decorations and widgets. The xfwm4_Win7 theme appears to yield the desired window decorations however. Lastly, when I apply any of the themes, my panels remain grey while your theme samples indicate they should be black with some transparency. Are the panel colors controlled by the theme or is that something that's manually configured? Thanks for you time.


Hi mithion, Thank you for the interest to my theme. Actually if you are running the last and the one before XFCE platforms : xubuntu 13.04 and 13.10 , as well as mint 15 xfce distros, there are some misunderstandings with my xfwm4_ :whatever frame factors. I saw some destroying bugs of the frames after GTK 3.4 base as it was specially made on this library, and maybe I should change my themerc file with some 'modern' command lines in it :). If you have a look in my xfwm4 folders, all images with (.xpm) extension are transparent, if opened with GIMP or anything else which deals with the graphics: there is alfa channel in them, so transparency is applied. The problem must come from newer kernels in xfce. I know its annoying, that's why I still keep my LinuxMint-14 Xfce version on my main computer that I work with which works best with this theme. I thought that in 13.10 this should be fixed by the new GTK, but still the problem persists. I will make a research soon and will answer you in more. OK? Bisser


If newer versions of gtk are causing some problems, that may explain the issues. I'm running Mageia 3 with XFCE 4.10. The installed version of gtk is 3.6.4. Here's a screenshot of my desktop after appying the default xfwm4 theme included with your theme. As you can see, the panels don't have alpha transparency and are of the wrong color (should be black I think). Also, the window decorations are that of the MacOS variant of the theme and not the modified kokodi as expected. Hopefully this helps track down the problems. I also wanted to show with this screenshot that I did enable compositing within XFCE by showing the proper application of alpha to the terminal background. Let me know if you want additional information to help troubleshoot the issues.


Hi again, If we are speaking about the transparency, alpha channel is to be applied via "Settings" in Windows Manager section -> tweaks -> Compositor, as shown in the picture below. As you can see in my case transparency is enabled and working perfectly. This is LinuxMint-14 with GTK-3.5 ... actually nothing wrong here. Further more the system with Linux-xfce 4.10 ( I have checked on Xubuntu and Voyager) start the problem, that's why I think it's something to do with the new Kernels, and Xfwm4_ modules start to crash might be because of the newer GTK. But this is my suggestion. Never tried on Mageia 3 (4.10), but suppose it would be like Xubuntu-13.04 / 13.10 issue. Take a look on my desktop - the settings and the transparency of the frames :) Good luck Bisser


in addition the theme frame should be naturally grey about : #888888 and starting from this point the alpha cannel is to be used to white ... Kokodi is an old theme that I used from LinuxMint-13 Maya and earlier distros - it was one of the defaults there. I modified it for my WinXP-look like modules/also colleced in bisoft-greybird theme. But Kokodi is used only for Windows like versions. This is from the series of MacOS like themes they are an other story -> combination of buttons from Unity in Ubuntu + some old GTK 3.2 'London-Smoke' theme with a new 'themerc' software which I applied to gather the whole stuff. So MacOS like themes have nothing to do with Kokodi ones :(


Well I've tried everything I can think of. Transparency will not show despite all the files having alpha channels. Do you know if there's any other dependencies that I might need like certain theme engines to make the transparency appear? Also I noticed another bug. When I apply the theme, my network applet crashes and I can't get it to run. My network is still working but the app dies so I can't change settings. When I launch the app this is what I get: [philippe@localhost ~]$ nm-applet (nm-applet:3462): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:266:17: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'. (nm-applet:3462): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:314:17: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'. ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area ** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area (nm-applet:3462): Gtk-WARNING **: Style property "border-top-left-radius" is not gettable (nm-applet:3462): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gtype.c:4204: type id `0' is invalid (nm-applet:3462): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: can't peek value table for type `<invalid>' which is not currently referenced Segmentation fault The app runs fine when using other themes. If I apply the clearlook theme I get: [philippe@localhost ~]$ nm-applet ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area ** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area


Hello bisoft, after fiddling a little with the error messages and google... ended up finding this bug report: It looks like the GTK3 part is not a fault of yours. Following the advice to "comment out all text-shadow & box-shadow lines". Now loading a GTK3 app is quite and silent. Appearance is a little affected, but still nice to see. (Fonts are thinner almost everywhere). The 0 vs 0px thing does not looks like it applies to my version. Very mixed in all files from various themes but looks ok. For the GTK2 error I ended up changing this line: GtkWidget::new-tooltip-style = TRUE with GtkWidget::new-tooltip-style = 1 with no other side effect than muting the parsing error. Hope the above can help Ciao Giampiero


Actually I'm not into mac appearance on linux. But this theme when used together with Siki-Brave window manager (or even the "default" one on Mint13) makes a truly killer combination. It's as dark as it needs to be,all applications look consistent. I dislike too bright combinations, but on the other hands dark themes often hide problems on the long run with web pages or applications. So this is truly an eye candy for me. I'd prefer to have the arrows on scrollbars back, but I understand it's because of the mac thing. Any chance that you will make a variant? Thank you for the great work. Giampiero


Thank You gspezzano, for your good words. Actually I don't think that my themes (specially this one) is too dark, neither I have try it in combination with other than my themes. The problem maybe because of the combination with other then the original themes. If you have tried a lot of them, usually Linux mix them and mess up things together. This happens, only because our themes (customized ones) are not covering all settings by default out of the original thems. My recommendation is to first go back to 'Mint X' theme (if you use LinuxMint XFCE edition of course) and them switch to any other, including my themes. The theme 'BiSOFT-Xfce Graybird v.15' or any other my theme from that edition is (are) specially made a bit greyish in order to best fit to all browsers and I tried NOT to use white color (#ffffff / neither black:#000000, if possible) in order to meet the requirement of almost all apps. Sliders, buttons, frames are a bit likely MAC OS but still 'my edition' because I like them in such way, if you do not it's up to you :) Anyway, thank you for your opinion, I will try add some more stuff to aprove the theme. Good Luck !!!


Hello, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. These lines: >It's as dark as it needs to be,all applications look consistent. >I dislike too bright combinations, but on the other hands dark themes often hide problems on the long run with web pages or applications. Must read: your them is exactly on the sweet spot. At least for my likings. So far I had no problems at all while using it. Did try to use darker themes in the past, but sooner than later I got into trouble somewhere. It clearly looks to me that this is not the case. Thanks for the hint about "cleaning up" the themes. I too noticed that changing many, things may become messy. BTW, scrollbars I have here do look exactly like your screenshots. Except skype which does create a nice combination you may want to look at: But please, do not consider this like criticism, I understand what your theme aims at. ;-) Again thanks for your hard work and the answer you gave me. Ciao Giampiero


OK then :) I'm glad you'd like it ... Skype is a special talk. 64-bit ver, for instance does not accept any of our frame scripts, unless specially approached :( You may take a look also on my other themes for Gnome dark one : green one : or transparent Win7 like : You are Welcome for any suggestions or upgrades ...


Hello bisoft, still using your theme with satisfaction. Got to see these messages while chasing for a strange, intermittent, skype popup malfunction: become transparent. When gtk2 or gtk3 apps are run from the console I can see these messages are created when hoovering over the "open file" list. To be precise this happens when a "tooltip" must appear with additional info on the file. The tooltip appears, indeed. The error message on the command line too. Not sure these are really the cause of the intermittent skype malfunction, but alas... Please note that before writing down this heads up I used all the precaution you already pointed out: "cleaned out" the theme and used all the intended pieces of your release. Thank you in advance for any comment or hint you may like to share Giampiero (Gtk2) giampiero@nblgspezzano ~/ $ diffuse Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve property `GtkWidget::new-tooltip-style' of type `gboolean' from rc file value "((GString*) 0x949d000)" of type `GString' (Gtk3) giampiero@nblgspezzano ~/ $ gedit (gedit:11088): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:94:18: Horizontal and vertical offsets are required


great theme


Thank you. I am happy you like it. Recently I often install to my customers pcs only xfce with this theme and they are really happy :) If I can help you ... may give you more staff for xfce, any platform, especially for LinuxMint XFCE-s. Good luck !


There are some borders within the application menus of audacious, gedit .etc (see below link). To fix it, make this change to bisoft-greybird/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css: .menuitem, .menu .menuitem { border-radius: 0; border-style: solid; --> change to none or border-width: 1px; --> reduce to 0px padding: 3px 2px 3px 2px; } And thank you for your information. I also like xfce very much and I am glad to see some people like you support it even after many GTK3 changes. I will definitely recommend this theme to anyone who needs MacOS look in linux.


Thank you my friend for the good words and for the fix. I have already applied it in my script, as well as some other fixes found recently ..

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version ver.15
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