This is a mod of Nightmare Blue, which is a mod of Nightmare. I would check those both out, if I were you.
For those who have not ever used Nightmare, Nightmare is a dark theme, mainly composed of gray, dark gray, black, and white. My Bloodline mod consists of light aesthetic changes, mainly red highlights.
I have changed the original Nightmare in window icons (close, minimize, all that good stuff), and colors (the window icons are red).
Because I work in Zorin-OS Lite, I have created a custom Zorin logo and Panel, both of which are:
a. compressed into the .obt file
b. available for download from this page
So therefore, if you use Zorin, you get even more benefit from this theme.
I have also attached a Gnome Color Chooser theme which goes quite well with my window theme. It would make sense, since I made both. Contrary to what I originally believed, you do not have to have the actual gnome-panel desktop to use Gnome Color Chooser, so just about anyone should be able to use the color theme.
Please contact me with any questions or suggestions for the theme, if you should have any.
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