Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Hi... I usually changed wm openbox with metacity/mutter/compiz. Knowing that openbox also has compositor, I am interested in. But I must configure with taste that I like, I hope you like too.
Themes included in this version:
-UBUNTU FLAVOR (Ambiance and radiance),
-CLASSICS (Clearlooks and Human),
-FLAT (FlatCarbon and FlatSuperwhite),
-CURVED (CurvedDark and CurvedLight),
-extra WINDOWS FLAVOR (Seven and Eight).
More detail specs of IMAGINE Theme, please see my page:
-2nd screenshot - testing rpm installer on PCLinuxOS Live. Please report the error that might come on converting (used alien). I am deb-based-distro user, I dont know much about rpm.
-2 screenshot (on PuppyLinux & Lubuntu) links have been updated.
Thank You for downloading, comments and suggestion. Sorry my english...
Enjoy with NEW TASTE!
Hi... I usually changed wm openbox with metacity/mutter/compiz. Knowing that openbox also has compositor, I am interested in. But I must configure with taste that I like, I hope you like too.
Themes included in this version:
-UBUNTU FLAVOR (Ambiance and radiance),
-CLASSICS (Clearlooks and Human),
-FLAT (FlatCarbon and FlatSuperwhite),
-CURVED (CurvedDark and CurvedLight),
-extra WINDOWS FLAVOR (Seven and Eight).
More detail specs of IMAGINE Theme, please see my page:
-2nd screenshot - testing rpm installer on PCLinuxOS Live. Please report the error that might come on converting (used alien). I am deb-based-distro user, I dont know much about rpm.
-2 screenshot (on PuppyLinux & Lubuntu) links have been updated.
Thank You for downloading, comments and suggestion. Sorry my english...
Enjoy with NEW TASTE!
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Yes you don't need to place a tar in an zip, that's placing an archive in an archive, there's no need for it... Pick one or the other, put things in a zip, or place them in a tar, but not both. So in the future all you have to do is place what you want in a folder and then run those two commands to create a tar.gz that I showed you. OpenBox is all I run as my standalone DE, I don't run or use anything else. Have at look at openbox.org, the first screenshot top left from Slackware 14.0 that's mine; http://openbox.org/wiki/Openbox:Screenshots Here's a new screenshot, I've made some changes to Conky; http://i.imgur.com/jnrlMwv.png Of course on some Distros more geared towards new users they'll package the themes into a .deb .rpm package to install, but the correct OpenBox method is to simply unpack the theme out of a tar someone downloads online like yours, and then you use Obconf to install the theme. Or for people that know, all you have to do is copy the theme directory to your HOME ~/.themes directory. Cheers
The Thinking on Imagine FlatCarbon isn't really so correct. What color do you think is associated with Carbon? The Menu should have a Grey/Black color not white and then for the Imagine FlatSuperwhite you give it a black Menu when the name of the theme is white, this should have a white menu. These two you have backwards, should change them. :) CHEERS
Very nice feedback, do you use openbox as desktop-manager? The making of theme is more focus to openbox as wm (the name is also associated to this). I just think if a nice theme is found - it can be such a template we can control/change color in more simple way. You can see the structure of 'themerc'. I'm trying to build software for it, using gambas, but it take time to adapt from visual basic (windoz).
Well I must say this is a first, a tar zipped up hehe... A Zip is an Archive Format so is a Tar, you use one or the other, you don't combine both... Linux/Unix systems typically use tar formats over Zip. If you're going to make a Tar Gunzip run the commands like this; The below command is -c and two v v not a w tar -cvvf folder.tar folder then gzip folder.tar Now you have created folder.tar.gz CHEERS
Oh I didn't even open it before commenting. You placed a tar in a zip... You don't do that, just place everything in the tar next time... ;)
Lol... unusual way, right? By the way thanks alot. I found a file tar.gz, and can automatically be extracted to correct directory in system without add "-C intended_directory". I've tried making, but does not work like that. So, I did zip of targz (smile).
I can't install it on Fedora 18. So I tried this and worked: 1) Download rpm package. 2) Make a dir and put the rpm there and go there. 3) run this command into the dir: $ rpm2cpio imagine.openbox-1.0-1.noarch.rpm | cpio -idmv 4) copy all the themes in DIR/usr/share/themes to ~/.themes 5) Select one in obconf or change it directly on rc.xml. 6) Smile. ;)
Thank you for reporting and nice tip&trick.
Really nice themes, great to see people are still working to make themes for OpenBox! But I don't run a RPM or Debian based distro and for others that don't too, you should have the themes in a Tar file. Please make a tar file. THANKS
Thank you for suggestion, TAR.GZ file already uploaded and connected here. Although it has limitation (such rounded corner), openbox is really great, light & easily configured as theme we want.