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Hi, what's the names of the panel, music player and file browser?
I'd wait to here from kiwiremysaot to answer, but to me, it looks like PCManFM for the file manager, pypanel for the panel (with dockapps and application launcher icons), and Sonata (an MPD frontend) for the music player. :) Like I said, wait for verification, but I'm pretty sure those are the pictured applications.
Hey. Sorry about that. Can't be on the internet all the time. :P But yes, you got all of them right except for the panel. (It's lxpanel.)
Haha! No one can (that I know, at least). I'll have to check out lxpanel. I started using some of the other apps from the LXDE suite, and they're quite nice. That's one that I have yet to use. Oh, and my last comment was conspicuously absent of any actual comment on the theme... :D Not bad. I might use it if I ever get in a brown mood.
Where can I find that background? Lots of nice game-based wallpapers. Pretty much just screenshots of levels and cutscenes within a whole lot of games. There's also a whole lot of platforms and games to choose from. It's a pretty nice website... And for future ref, check out (Social Wallpapering). I get a lot of my wallpapers from there, too.