Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.8 reworked osd (alt+tab) switcher
1.7 tricked with window.client.padding.{width,height} in order to get the real Nodoka feeling
1.6 modified active window border color
1.5 updated menu text colors
1.4 modified colors of inactive windows and text
1.3 slight color adjustments
1.2 border color changes
1.1 updated to Nodoka bright
1.0 initial released based on xdream (by dreamawake), license GPL
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Sorry, but on Fedora, there are the following nodoka-gtk related engines/themes: gtk-nodoka-engine gtk-nodoka-engine-extras nodoka-theme-gnome nodoka-metacity-theme notification-daemon-engine-nodoka Which of these should I go for?
Hi, How do you get the slider bar on the right of the window to be curved like in the picture you provide? Many thanks! Aarem
You need to install the nodoka gtk theme. Sadly there is only a GTK2 version of the theme available.