Description: Morning Sunshine The default theme of the good, old OpenGEU Quarto di Luna
This is the theme of the old E17 distro OpenGEU (aka Geubuntu), recompiled for the stable release of E19 with ELEMENTARY SUPPORT/b]!!. All the credits goes to Luca The Dark Master, lead developer of OpenGEU and artpulse, his team that realizes this theme.
IMPORTANT The theme had an animated background that I've make static to save memory on old computer. If you have RAM and you've paid to meld it, so to enable the animated background you can: decompile the theme: edje_decc "Morning Sunshine E19.edj" Go into the new folder Morning Sunshine E19 and open default.edc On line 153 comment (add the "//" before the line) BACKGROUND_LIGHT and decomment (remove "//") BACKGROUND_ANIMATED recompile the theme, with a terminal that points on the theme folder, run: edje_cc default.edc -o "Morning Sunshine E19 - Anim.edj" Import the theme with Theme Selector or copy the .edj file on ~/.elementary/themes and enjoy the animation!
Ratings & Comments
Voted up!!!!!! Thanks. Agust
Thank you Agust! ;)