Description: My first submittet work done with Blender. Feel free to give me advices to get this improved This Walpaper can be used too as login screen winlow.blend file is avaliable on
Also, I think the penguin should be move up by about half-an-inch or so... this is to make room for the KDE panel underneath, and so his lovely feet don't get hidden.
This is the stupid looking penguin I've ever seen! I love it.
Please don't fix him, he's great. But I think the "wasn't me" text could do with a better contrast.
seems "funny" guys like you above have nothing better to do than wasste webspace with stupid comments that have nothing to do with this site. Write your stupid comments on a piece of paper an use it on toilett ...And dont think i delete my pic from here to delete your "intelligent" comments with it.Others shall see that your IQ is a bit higher than a piece of dry bread. The bread has an IQ 13 .
Ratings & Comments
Also, I think the penguin should be move up by about half-an-inch or so... this is to make room for the KDE panel underneath, and so his lovely feet don't get hidden.
This is the stupid looking penguin I've ever seen! I love it. Please don't fix him, he's great. But I think the "wasn't me" text could do with a better contrast.
I love it. It rocks!
seems "funny" guys like you above have nothing better to do than wasste webspace with stupid comments that have nothing to do with this site. Write your stupid comments on a piece of paper an use it on toilett ...And dont think i delete my pic from here to delete your "intelligent" comments with it.Others shall see that your IQ is a bit higher than a piece of dry bread. The bread has an IQ 13 .
sorry master of thesauri but it's "Milzbrand" not "Mitzbrand" PS You are as funny as a broken leg.
sorry master of thesauri but it's "Milzbrand" not "Mitzbrand" PS You are as funny as a broken leg.
cool, go on so....