Brazil: Confederations Cup Champion
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haven't seen these before, where are those licq-icons from, I want them in my licq too :)
I ripped them from a miranda-icq icon theme, but as I did it quickly I won't distribute (there are missing icons, bad borders, etc). But if you want, you can make it on gimp very quicy. Get it from
I forgot to tell the name, it's cartoon icons theme :)
thanks a lot to point me to the right place to look for icons, there are quite some more icon-themes I'll probably convert for licq. Maybe I'll ask some of the authors to let me put up the conversions on my homepage :)
Where did you get that window decoration? seems pretty nice from here...
Actually I got it here. It's a IceWM decoration called kepsxe. It have some bugs and was too large vertically for my teste, so I modified it a little. I'm expecting a new version of it, but if you have problems with the old version I can post my "patched" version.