night drive
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Olho o mapa da cidade Como quem examinasse A anatomia de um corpo... (É nem que fosse o meu corpo!) Sinto uma dor infinita Das ruas de Porto Alegre Onde jamais passarei... Há tanta esquina esquisita, Tanta nuança de paredes, Há tanta moça bonita Nas ruas que não andei (E há uma rua encantada Que nem em sonhos sonhei...) Quando eu for, um dia desses, Poeira ou folha levada No vento da madrugada, serei um pouco do nada Invisível, delicioso Que faz com que o ar Pareça mais um olhar, Suave mistério amoroso, Cidade de meu andar (Desde já tãolongo andar!) E talvez de meu repouso...
Boa lembrança... Mario Quintana!
... I like it ;)
First you right ME is the worst! Though Xp still stinks. And second You obviously didn't waste money(I saw a kazza Icon on your desktop, lol- Wich I would like to say I dont use or any clones), However you should show it on linux/kde since this is a linux/kde website!
Because I was printing some photos on my canon i450 and I realize that there´s no available driver for it until with the same resolution I get under XP. The highest resolution I got under my Kurumin linux box (debian) was only 600x600 dpi. It´s sad but I had to return to my windows xp to finish the printing job with the looks I needed.... Bye!
Why are you showing it on an Xp desktop... Evreybody on this site uses Linux/kde, The want to see what it looks like on Gnu Linux, Not Microsoft Windows Xp, Besides Xp stinks! Its the worst version of windows ever made, put into a pretty package so people will buy it! Dude you wasted your money.
Well, I don't know about that. I think ME probably takes the cake on that one.
Because I was printing some photos on my canon i450 and I realize that there´s no available driver for it until with the same resolution I get under XP. The highest resolution I got under my Kurumin linux box (debian) was only 600x600 dpi. It´s sad but I had to return to my windows xp to finish the printing job with the looks I needed.... Bye!