A while ago i was playing around with gears in pov. I made a primitive one (quite skinny compared with qwertz's one and also with 12 teeth instead of

It is of course a totally unusable object, (or at least i can't imagine a machine where it would be useful) but as i said: I was just playing around with the gear-concept.
Ratings & Comments
Looks Great. I really like the futuristic industrial style. Keep up the good work!
I think it looks great. Could you perhaps make a 1600X1200 version? That would be really nice.
Ok, did it. I put it up as a new item. After rendering the 1024x768-version i played around some more without saving the .pov-file, so I had to recreate it, using my memory. I'm afraid i got the lighting wrong, because it seems a bit darker. But i think it's not too obvious. Thanks for your nice comment and have a nice weekend.
Nice job! This is a nice twist on the KDE gear idea.