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* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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I downloaded the mosfet liquid v0.95 theme, and I configure make make install everything went smoothly, now how do i activate mosfet liquid theme. I could not find it in control panel if you know please help my distributin is redhat 7.3
Sorry, i don't use liquid and i don't have redhat. Maybe you will find an answer by reading through the comments for the liquid-style. If that doesn't help, then try posting a question there. Or you could always try IRC (#kde-users).
I haven't used RH since like 6.1 or so, but under MDK and SuSE, you ned to specify your path. Configure it like this: ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 Then make and install it. That should make it an option called "High Performance Liquid" in your Style options. Note: Again, I don't use RH, but MDK is a RH spin-off (of sorts) and SuSE is kinda the same thing. This method works for KDE3 (which is the only KDE version that the newer Liquids work with). You *MAY* also have to specify your QT lib dir like this: ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3 (all one line, obviously). Anyway, that should help you.
P.S. Soyburg, I like it. It's a bit to "vibrant" for my tastes for a desktop pic, but I like the design/thought of it. :-)
it works out fine now thank bro
With Mosfet Liquid, it makes it's own sections in the Look and Feel sections of the control Panel.