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Ratings & Comments
I don't know about the rest of you, but I enjoy lusting after women like this!
Actually I like the backround :) I think its great - and the girl, just greath photo! :)
Nice photo, I like this kind of boots (on a girl, of course !)
wow, that is..incredible. how close minded religous people become...what do you see when you look at that picture? I see a form of art. I see beauty, the beauty of the human body, (the human body that ur so called invisible avenger created) yet this to u is "garbage".. A real man, is a man that worships god? Im agnostic. I dont believe in god, I don't waste a breath of my life preying or worshiping. The human eyes are made to see, and should be aloud to see anything in this world "god" gave us freedom and sight and so we use it. We are not bad people, By looking at that picture I am not hurting anyone. I don't see anything as bad or good and I don't know who really should be aloud to determine that. I find that religon was used as a device to control people and you and your beliefs are an example of that. Controlling what people are 'aloud' to look at? So what if the god that you say exists finds that this beautiful picture is 'bad' or as u see it 'garbage' least in this life I opened my eyes to everything that there was and I admired the beauty and the disgust of humanity. I didn't turn away from anything That someone else told me was wrong, untill my own morals told me so. I lived this life, and if there is a next one and i go to hell for it it will b worth eternity because in the life before that, it was the only life I was 100% sure of, and i lived it. And you goddamn religous people say that god created everything, he is "THE" creater, So then what created god? U can't say another godcreated this one because the "exodus 20:2" explains that no other gods are before him. Congradulations, once again you have fucked up on your own made up stories. Your words make life, morality, beliefs, everything sound like a battle. A war between good and bad, when much more is equal than we are made to believe. Science makes it that way. On the side of the enemy? Just because someone is independant, has a mind of their own and doesn't let religon (the one thing that has tried to rule society and control people for thousands of years) get in their way, you have to bash them for all that they know what, GOOD FOR THEM Just because someone doesn't belive in living life the way god asked them to, doesn't mean they are going to harm others, it doesn't mean thay they are bad people or have horrible morals. if there is a god, and if he may judge me for my knowledge, my good deads and my indepet way of life, than I know that he (depending on how smart He is will find me a good human being) But seeing as how I dont believe in a greater power, it is not of my worry and no matter how scared you try to make me into believing in your religon, deep inside, I only believe in myself. My disbelif in god doesn't nothing BUT void his existence. To you, he may exist, but to me, he is nothing. To me, there doesn't have to be anything nothing has to be greater, nothing has to tell me whats wrong and whats right. Everything just is. (just like your 'god' just was) If god created me, and punishes me for an eterinity of pain ONLY for being human and open minded about life, and NOT believing in something that logical disagrees with, than god is an asshole. God is not a greater power, he is stupid, just like the people that wrote the bible, the people that tried to control society and all the people that created all of this bullshit.
I love it! P.S. Ignore religious extremests
i don't want to make a bigger deal out of this, but i want to say that i enjoy your photography, and i enjoy the beauty of the human body.
The definition in the dictionary for pornography is as follows: Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal. I believe this picture is pornographic... I want to comment on the biblical stuff.. I believe that you should live the religion you believe in and hold true to it. But you should not become a self-righteous maniac and try to shove you beliefs down others throats.. If you believe in the bible you should believe that God gave us agency. Ultimately God wants us to make our own choices. No religion should press beliefs upon anyone with force. I personally believe that nude pictures of women are wrong. I also believe that mans natural sexual instincts are a wonderful and beautiful thing that should only be used between two people who are married. I personally do not like pictures with any nudity posted on this site, it is my request that it be removed but if it is not it is your choice and I will not bother you again... Thanks PS I do believe that if you do not agree with something you should not just sit around and watch it happen.. you should voice your opinion with out shoving it down others throats…
i don't like the pic cuz it's not my taste. but let's be honest - this is not porn - if the girl was beautiful (as the average defines beautiful) nobody would say anything about it. nobody but this religious guy - and this gets me to the point why i'm writing this post: formerly i was religious too. fanatically exactly as you. well, until i finally recognized that god never had any interest in me, whatever i did or didn't. maybe god exists. but it is not the one of the bible. the bible has a lot of nice things to say (i know it cuz i read it more than once) but a lot of manipulating shit too. and it's absolutely difficult to differentiate between that stuff cuz it's all so completely mixed up and only guys who are open towards what it's saying would read it that long as learn about both sides - cuz the most stuff is only stories . (most of em pretty sure just invented by someone - take moses: the judes are said to be walked out of egypt in one night. it was more than a million of them. they are said to have walked out in a row of 2. well, this sums up to a line of people about 100 kilometers long - in one night. impossible. ok, blabla, god, wonder, blabla. hey, be serious. it simply is a mistake. and there are many. read carefully and critical - as the bible itself says). you think lookin at this is adultery? ridiculous. absolutely. definition of adultery: Adultery is generally defined as consensual sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their lawful spouse. what use is it for you guys to be overly strict in all things? and if you shall not commit adultery it's because it would in some civilisations hurt the partner - or ruin the partner. not because of having gods. anyway, there is no spirit or soul, only biology and chemics (so called instincts ... which is not correct, but i don't wanna explain now and i'm sure you are not listening because you are not critical as the bible says) so if it is only instinct and god himself gave it to us it would be paradox not to follow them as long as it hurts nobody. well, and the thing that your lust increases if you see it -- that's not true. it only does because your instincts come to the surface, you watch yourself feeling something. and if everybody tells you that's bad and your unconsciousnes tells you it's right you get into an inner conflict which makes you lust for more. well, i think this is pretty stupid. another thing: you say you want to help anyone? everything you do is discriminating others in their beliefs and instincts and even hobbies and every-day-life. you might make them feel strange and even bad about what they do, though most people just would say you're a fanatic and not seeing reality. they're probably right though nobody can tell anything cuz we don't even know the simplest of things. so leave everybody alone and leave everybody their beliefs. you can tell once (as the bible says: tell em and if they do not welcome you spit on the floor and walk away) and then leave everybody alone. you're not helping anyone. what is your post good for? rather rethink your beliefs critically - if you come to the same result then stay with your beliefs - but keep to them, leave the others alone, they will get their punishment - you are not the judge who has to discomfort them again and again ... think.
This is not a porno site... if I wanted to see porno I would go to a porno site. You are posting this on the wrong site!!
These posts just go to show how stupid most people are. All of you who are against this, accept it, it's not hurting you, and move on with your lame life. None of you are helping any other, and the ones who are saying that this wallpaper post is a waste of bandwidth, realize that all of your posts are also wasting bandwidth. Anyone who reads this and still feels the need to post against another post, remember that you're just being an idiot.
btw: Your post is a waste of bandwidth, too.
Adam and Eve were naked, and God made them that way. Isn't it hypocritical that Religion should be brought into this in the first place...? I mean, we can all appreciate how homophobic and backward-thinking some religions are, but at least they don't try to tell everyone what's right and wrong* *ok, some do. PS - May I burn in Hell for speaking out against an authority... (sounds familiar?)
I don't think this is appropriate content for a site that doesn't have a warning that it contains nudity. Think of the people who don't want to see this. At least cover the thumbnail that appears in the list, then have the uncensored wallpaper available for download. Also, I don't think it is right to post your religious attitude either, h1k3r.
Please do not upload so stupid and inappropriate photos, which is not related to KDE and Linux. I think inappropriate content should be deleted by admin...
Where as I do not find this picture to be in anyway releated to linux, or appropriate for an open none adult only forum like this, I do not find it to be porn either, it is what it is, to one man it is art, to another it is a reason to show how stupid you are. that's what makes the world go around. I wouldn't peronally use this picture as a desktop background, but I don't find it offesive in anyway! Just my 0.02 BaVinic
I have an impressive collection of porn, and I like lookin' at boobies. So sue me.
I would just like to say that I am a Christian and I think that what h1k3r posted is apauling. No human has the right to judge and condem as he is doing - only God himself can do that, and thats between God and you no one else. Secondly, no-one has sugested we should all covert this girl, it was posted from a piont of view of art and there is cirtainly nothing evil about a womans body. and lastly who is he to say what should and shouldnt be posted up here anyway?
there is no warning for children that this site contains porn
Hell-o, I do like the picture. I would like more but also some where nudity is perhaps implied. Sometimes that's more erotic then just showin' the goodies all the time. Blessed Be, Jason Hodges
That's why I don't shoot hardcore porn with crotch shots and all that.
nice body, shame about the face. We live in a politically-correct society, and as much as I believe in free speech, we ought to respect that certain items do not fit other's tastes. It's just like the ubuntu linux theme issue!'s a critique of the actual image AS AN IMAGE (with no preaching)! I like backdrop and the way the scene was shot. I especially like the lighting and shadows. Pose is also nice. I think I'd like it more if her lips were closed but more smiley.
I am so sick of all the preachiness here. why is it that of all the forums I visit, this one seems to attract the most vocal and closed-minded religious folk? listen people, there's more than one way to live (and none of them are "right" or "wrong", which are both very subjective terms) so stop trying to cram your own way down other people's throats. If you want to post wallpapers of bible quotes or naked people, then fine! do it already! just stop the proselytizing and preaching! if you DON'T like an image that someone has posted, DON'T LOOK AT IT! because other people actually might like those pics you don't like (either religious OR nudy). [/rant] now maybe everyone here can grow up a little?
Keep your religious opinions to yourself. Nobody here cares. I hope. nudity = porn ????? So by this logic Michelangelo's David = gay porn ????? Why do you feel it necessary to force your morality on others? I don't think this is the place. If you think this is bad stay away from The wallpaper is not to my liking. It seems to be more fitted for a site like
To actually comment on this pic for its artistic merit: it really doesnt have much. It is a woman in boots on the floor. The pose is basic and the look very generic and offers to real creatic insight. Yes you took a picture of a naked girl, good for you--now what can you do with that, cause this is a pretty slow start, if any, to move into art.