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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
I'd like it to say, "Designed for a better experience"
Why is everybody always complaining about babe-wallpapers? I think Linux/Tux-Babe combo's are the best there are! Keep up the good work!
Only one problem: this is not a tux-babe combo, only babe. I agree with you though, not the best but sure are pretty cool.
Yes, no is bad...
Since none of you can agree on the spelling why not make 2 versions??
"design to make a difference" could be correct, it depends on what the author is trying to say. Design would be a verb, meaning people should design to make a difference. I think design to make a difference is more meaningfull then the other suggestions. Great design btw :)
who gives a shit about spelling or if kirstin is a celebrity..she is fukin hot and looks good on this wallpaper.
yeah, definitely :) and it's a very nice design *around* kirstin besides this. what i like too is the very decent stamp in the lower left corner and that not half of the wallpaper is covered with "this is kirsten dunst". i like understatement and humbleness.
As much as I love Kirsten Dunst, should we put celebrity wallpapers on kde-look.org? There are plenty of other places for those and those images probably have copyright problems as well.. The design on this is nice, doesn't need a lady to sell it. :-)
just a thought... the company "Braun" uses the same slogan, "Designed to make a difference"... dunno if they have any rights on these words? http://www.braun.com/
Shouldn't it be "Designed" instead of "Design" ?
I think "Design". Is there a misstake? My English is not the best, so it will be fine, if you you can correct it.
i will change it to "Designed"..
I feel 'design' could be correct too...like to say: A design to make a difference ;)
It should be 'designed' because it's the verb of the sentence. However, it could be 'design' if it was rewritten as "A design to make a difference." I know it says 'designed' on the image, but I just though I'd help clear it up for you guys.
either is right, depending on the context -dingodonkey
It doesn't surprises me! I mean who cares! I didn't even noticed there were words in this beatuful walpaper!