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replace hackor with computer nerd and it describes me almost perfectly.... :-D love it
like the wallpaper!
It is good, but could do without the foul language. Also, hackers are folks who like messing with computers. Crackers are folks who break in.
I don't think the language is that bad, actually the only wording that sounds foul is 'this crap they teach us'
Which pretty much describes my school life. (I actually lost a lot of point in computer sience class for saying that Unix is better than DOS, and for finishing my exames too fast and with all answers correct).
You are right about the difference between hacker and cracker, and that is a very important point to make.
Thank you very much for making the text sharper, this will now be able to replace my current background.
The speech originates from Phrack, which was (is) a hacker/cracker/phreak magazine, having it's origin in the early 80's BBS culture. The Hacker Manifesto was first publised in phrack volume 1, issue 7, phile 3. Here's the relevant link https://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=7&a=3
Do you think you could maybe make the text sharper, but besides that, very nice speech.
Done. The speech isn't mine though ;-)
This was my favorite hacker speech. I've never found out where it originated, but I love it nonetheless.