Village People - Fanboy Tribute
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Ratings & Comments
I'm so flattered that you decided to name a whole state after me, but I must confess that I'm no politician, so I pray highly that you don't hope to burden me with a permanent leadership title. My first and only order of business, as you can see from the map, is to build a wall around the atrocious molester-prison of Pedophiladelphia. Not to keep the pedophiles in, mind you, as I'm certain you'd find some sneaky way of kinda leap-jumping over it or something, but rather to keep unsuspecting children out. Unfortunately, this means your confused nephew won't be able to visit you for comfort on his weekends any more. Beyond that, I'd have to relinquish power to those more fit (and elected) to wield it. If that means I must live under a rainbow flag, so be it. Such is the price of blithe governmental ignorance.
Can someone look for his pacifier, please? I am not used to childcare.
Don't worry. I was once knighted Raine Trollsbane Sabaal by the mighty (and redundant) HyperText Monarch Lord of Webshire. Trophies of shattered keyboards and pizza-smeared neckties adorn shrines not of my own creation, wholly dedicated to my noble triumphs throughought the vast spread of the cosmos. You're in good (if ill-motivated) hands. ;)
What's up with Arizona in back ground?
Get this troll off the page! BTW: PLÖNK!
And when we say troll, we mean garry.