Description: I was so fascinated by the Tron world so I decided to create a wallpaper in similar style. It was much easier as Pclinuxos has something like a disc in it's logo so I turned it in identity disc. As I though about the background etc. I came to the idea to draw the interior of the computer as a city with all the lights, traffic etc. I took a few Public Domain graphics from Openclipart as a inspiration and components, so I did not have to draw all from scratch.
The wallpaper is entirely made in Inkscape (thanks guys for such a wonderful piece of SW) with a huge use of built-in filters. Available in wide HD resolution 1920x1080 pixels. If you would like to have it in other screen ratio, let me know.
You can use and share this wallpaper wherever you want, but you are not allowed to modify it or sell it. If you include it somewhere (in some free pack, linux live cd etc.) just let me know.
I also plan to create a much simpler version – maybe with simple grid instead of the city. Comments welcomed.
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