Valentin dayv
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my two other one cappuccino look like a Norwegian Forest Cat cafe color and the other one garfield is a orange tabby
In the moment we have a tabby on the neck with white colour on the face and feats and a red, white and black tabby. Cats are wonderful animals with many intelligence and his "own" character :-) (PS: Excuse my bad English - I'm not a person with good speech knowledge)
dont worry about language im french lol and some time i use google traductor that help me alot
OK, but I know that your natural language is french - I've seen this on your Homepage. But I can't read France frontier the distance to the french frontier is in little more than 1h car driving distance. But for me, which need and use the English language some hours a day in the business, it's a little bit embarrassing for me :-(
I understand you here in Canada is half French half English when I cross the river I need to bring my spouse and worse during my school years I had lessons in English, but nothing to do is always easier in our native language
Is this your cat? What breed of cat is it? Is it a "Main Coon" or a "Norwegian Forest Cat"? We had for several years a "Norwegian Forest Cat" - it's a very robust cat with a fantastic double-layered coat with long water-repellent hairs and in winter time a bushy tail to protect them against the cold.
this one is a real mixt himalayen (siamees and persan) and a gray tabby but she look like persan one because of her nose