This is NOT an official Blender / Sintel wallpaper, and no, I am (sadly) not a member of the Sintel team. This is fan art, which is designed purely to share my love of Blender and the amazing open movies (like Sintel) they make.
I've tried to follow the official Blender logo usage guidelines ( and the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license the original image was published under. ( According to these, I believe that permission exists to distribute all elements of this image.
That said, feel free to contact me, Ton, if you'd like this removed.

Anyway, disclaimers out of the way, this wallpaper is to whet your appetite for the amazing looking open movie "Sintel" being created by the Blender Foundation whose 3d is created entirely in my favourite 3d application: Blender. Check it out at *now* if you haven't already and consider purchasing the 4 DVD set to help fund both the development of Blender 2.5 and these amazing open source / open culture intiatives. Rock on Blender Dudes / Dudettes!
Ratings & Comments
Can't wait for Sintel to be released! I've already ordered my DVD. =) The blog has been great to follow. By far the most informative of the open movies yet!
Absolutely. I've been loving it! (And yes, I have my DVD's on order! :D ) I just wish they'd given us a decent size version of this image: to turn into a wallpaper!
Yeah, they were my first thoughts about that image too. I reckon they gave us only a small resolution as just a teaser. =P Can't wait. =)