very professional combo and a good, darker replacement for the original, lighter splash wallpaper combo that came with the installation. The seamless transitions are much better.
Very nice, I can mirror on my site so you can link direct download and no waiting. P.S. Hey just found out that my password from kde-apps works on both kde look and gnome look :D When I wanted to register it said email already taken haha.
I have problems downloading that file.
After downloading file from either link, after extracting images, all of them are corrupted, even little screenshot is corrupted.
Can you please reupload the archives?
Thank you for your answer.
It was a bug in ark. I've managed to extract the images.
Thank you for your submission of this wallpaper/KSplash/KDM theme.
It rocks!
Ratings & Comments
very professional combo and a good, darker replacement for the original, lighter splash wallpaper combo that came with the installation. The seamless transitions are much better.
These are good enough for the KDE4 default desktop.
Very nice, I can mirror on my site so you can link direct download and no waiting. P.S. Hey just found out that my password from kde-apps works on both kde look and gnome look :D When I wanted to register it said email already taken haha.
That's because is the umbrella for those two and a few other sites such as Xfce Look and Box Look.
Hello! I have problems downloading that file. After downloading file from either link, after extracting images, all of them are corrupted, even little screenshot is corrupted. Can you please reupload the archives? Thanks.
i tried to download both link and no problem with files. Probably your software to extract has somethings wrong
Thank you for your answer. It was a bug in ark. I've managed to extract the images. Thank you for your submission of this wallpaper/KSplash/KDM theme. It rocks!
very nice wallpaper!! thanks !