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© 2025 xfce-look.org - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Totally. His "kind" should avoid gravitating to every picture of a naked chick on Gnome-Look so they can go through their little arousal-guilt cycle publicly, and instead stick to the "Bliss" grassy field selection. Weird how these people object to naked wallpapers so badly, but they manage to stumble across every single one? Couldn't we just, you know, NOT USE IT, if we didn't like it? I thought Linux was about choice. I know the internet is. If his "kind" don't like it, they should make their own site: prude-look.org
Totally. His "kind" should avoid gravitating to every picture of a naked chick on Gnome-Look so they can go through their little arousal-guilt cycle publicly, and instead stick to the "Bliss" grassy field selection. Weird how these people object to naked wallpapers so badly, but they manage to stumble across every single one? Couldn't we just, you know, NOT USE IT, if we didn't like it? I thought Linux was about choice. I know the internet is. If his "kind" don't like it, they should make their own site: prude-look.org
This site is not a porn site please admins do something, ban that guy and remove its picture. I do not want my kind to find such stuff on a wallpaper website
Yet you saw a thumbnail and clicked on it anyways.
you must be gay if you don't like looking at a good looking woman and or parts. i love ubuntu and sure there are plenty of porn sites, have a gf irl. but i also like to have some boobs on screen with a "ubuntu logo slaped on it". yes it may not take any effort to make but thats not what is important. if you don't like it go look at your gay porn. i will never say anything against your choices in life so shut up already about the women. "boo hoo i'm gay and don't like looking at a hott cow girl on a fence showing a lil ass cheek" stfu
In this days, I think, springtime is in the air. But real women are better....trust me!
for me, it is a sexual posture and absolutely not an artistic posture... why do you post this wallpaper here? I do not condemn the pornographic sites, but I does not understand why the porn would invade gnome-LOOK not enough sexy and porn sites on the web?