I like it. I just navigated here from your web site because you've got comments disabled there.
I was going to suggest maybe a version without the shiny Gnome badge in the top right hand corner. I think the soft gradients alone are very effective.
Yep, well the basic background is. I'm happy to release that, as well as the 1600x1200 of that with just the gnome foot print. :-)
Gimme a moment.
Ratings & Comments
I like it. I just navigated here from your web site because you've got comments disabled there. I was going to suggest maybe a version without the shiny Gnome badge in the top right hand corner. I think the soft gradients alone are very effective.
On second thoughts, that's an SVG, right? Maybe you could release that?
Yep, well the basic background is. I'm happy to release that, as well as the 1600x1200 of that with just the gnome foot print. :-) Gimme a moment. Pascal