Ubuntu - Intrepid Ibex - Wallpaper Set

Wallpapers Ubuntu

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When blogging about the new Ubuntu-name for 8.10, "Intrepid Ibex", I needed a nice graphic for my article.

So I threw together a little something & I liked it so much that I felt like sharing it.

In the archive you will find several wallpapers for 4 and 16:9 widescreen resolutions, the SVG-Source done with Inkscape and a PDF exported from Inkscape.

Ratings & Comments



Cool pic. Really like it but why don't you move with us to http://www.ubuntu-art.org/ ? "They" do not want any "crappy Ubuntu" logos on their "GNOME" Site See: http://www.ubuntu-art.org/groups/?id=43


Frankly, I wasn't aware of ubuntu-art.org's existance as of yet. The discussion at http://www.ubuntu-art.org/groups/?id=43 seems to be the typical hypergeek's "Oh my god, it's a linux that actually works - I cannot like it anymore". Many geeks use their OS as a hobby rather than a plattform for their productivity and there's not much to do in your hobby if the OS actually works almost out of the box. It's fine by me if they then switch to a more bleeding-edge distro (or BSD ;) ) in order to have something to do. What isn't fine by me is that some people actually start complaining about the good work the Ubuntu-Team is doing. GNOME is becoming a more popular desktop-environment because a distro like Ubuntu is using it. There's no downside to this. That's why I personally see no problem in posting a Ubuntu-Logo at gnome-look.org. Of course, kiddies placing distorted Ubuntu-Logos on "erotic" ;) wallpapers is a different matter - But those wallpapers bug me more because of their underlying unreflected sexism than because of the Ubuntu-Logo. If you like, you can upload the whole wallpaper/Logo set on ubuntu-art.org. However, I personally see no reason to leave gnome-look.org just because I'm using Ubuntu.


I like it--I was one that voted for Ibex--I like the sound of calling the next release "Intrepid"

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version 1.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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