(gnomenu, sounds... See my other works)
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Psh, just a troll obviously, nothing to see here. Nice wallpaper man :D
Thanks :)
A windows game wallpaper in gnome-look... Are you stupid? No, don't answer, rhetorical question.
You are rude for a linux smart user... And I am an Linux user, who create themes for linux, websites and free stuff for the linux community, with open source softwares (Gimp, blender, emacs, etc). This "windows" game, I can use it on wine, and I got it for free, by a legal way. This game, like some open source games, is really innovating, and very good. RMS itself may have fun with it. I don't like windows, but this game is not from Microsoft, and work on linux. The credit song was given for free and by a legal download to anybody who want to listen it... Now, maybe you can apologize... Or go away, but please stop to speak like a kevin.
wow, that was rude. just because it's a linux site doesn't mean he can't post fan wallpapers for a windows game. i made a theme based on portal, and a wallpaper. you, sir, should be more polite :P
Look at his profile, he only vote "Down" on a thousand of themes and created nothing. And he's always rude xD Thanks to others!
He must be banned from the site.