Fedora 17 Blue eclipse
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This wallpaper is available, download it or not but the choice mean everything. I dont realy care about Che. I am only using a freedom icon. Do you have any other icons for advise? I am gonna do a wallpapers with it! George W. Bush? Ghandi?...
Einstein, Churchhill, Edison, founding fathers, Nietzsche, soo many choices! they look great though.
Founding fathers?
sorry, I hope I didn't offend. It slipped my mind that this is an international community. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton etc. The people responsible for establishing the United States.
Come on... Jefferson? He depended on enslaved labor to support his household and plantations? You call this freedom?
Che - is a freedom symbol, and what freedom of a distance of Einstein, Churchhill, Edison, founding fathers, Nietzsche? You probably joke
no, i do not joke. I like the "idea" of the theme. I could care less about Che. There have been many great men and women over the course of history (many who became great without killing a single other person), and this theme could be made for many of them. I think it is a great idea and a way to pay homage to some of the greats.
War is the continuation of policy by other means." - Karl von Clausewitz
"War is a natural state of the person." -Adolf Hitler The general don't find?
Some people didn't need to kill any people to become great because their roles didn't require it. However, bloodshed is sometimes necessary to achieve a goal. For example, to liberate a country, people used violence to achieve it. In America, soldiers fought the Revolutionary War to gain independence for the colonies. This liberation couldn't have been achieved peacefully.
There is political freedom, economical freedom, mind freedom, cultural freedom... Do you know a bit the south american history? I could be good for you to know it cause you shoud find why Che Guevara is an icon around the world. A symbol of freedom.
I know Cubans who had family members that were murdered by him just because he wanted to enforce communism on them and they wanted freedom. I guess he did liberate them of their lives. Go ahead and worship the murderer.
Tu embarque dans des histoire à dormir debout... Les histoires préférées des gens qui ont peur. Si Che est un meurtrier, quoi penser de la famille Bush et de l'élite qui tourne autour du pouvoir américain? Ce sont des boucher?
Freedom above ideologies. I like it.
che and debian. two things representing freedom. I like it. Nelson Mandela referred to him as "an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom" He is also a symbol of struggle. Not communist struggle but in general. Where I live he is a symbol of young people and their "struggle" with old mentality.
Just let peoples decide... you talk against communism but you act like Stalin. Come on and wake up. Half the americans presidents have done worst than him...
Liberator of what exactly?
Of free people:) He "liberated" them from evil freedom :)
Sometimes, bloodshed is necessary to achieve a goal.
The end never justifies the means.
People need to know whom radicals really are. This stuff should be taken off and not lift up Murdering Communist!